Chapter 4| Bebe

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Just a quick note before the chapter

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Tokimasu because this amazing person has agreed to draw covers for this series!

Anyway, on with the chapter!

There's a knock on my bedroom door which causes Red, Lola and I to look up from our phones.

"Come in!" I call, switching off my phone and facing the door.

Currently, we're all sat on the floor in a circle. There's a bunch of blankets around us, making it comfortable to sit  and we have various drinks and snacks stored beside my bed.

My mum opens the door and appears in the doorway. She smiles at my friends, and then looks at me.

"Remember Bebe, it's a school night. Do you know what that means?" She asks, drumming her fingernails against the door.

"Yes, be asleep by eleven." I recite her words, and she nods, leaving the room.

Red stretches and shows us her lock screen. I try ignore the picture of her, Craig and Ruby looking awkward, but I can't help but giggle at it.

"Stop laughing at my lock screen," she glares at me and I giggle again. "It's nine thirty," she motions to the screen.

"Actually, it's nine thirty one." Lola points out, and Red rolls her eyes.

"I'm suggesting that we should change into our pyjamas." Red says, sighing.

"Okay!" Lola says, gathering up her clothes and heading to the door. I look at her confused as I go to my drawer to take out my own pyjamas.

"What're you doing?" I ask her, and she flushes.

"Well.. I don't feel comfortable changing with you guys." I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"Huh? You're not insecure, are you?" I say, looking down her body and looking for something she could possibly be insecure of.

"Is she heck." Red says, shaking her head as she slips into her pyjama bottoms. "She doesn't want to change because I had a crush on her. Emphasis on had."

Lola flushes. "I would do the same if it was a guy who had a crush on me." She then leaves.

Red rolls her eyes. "No she wouldn't." I laugh, and agree with Red.

I remove my shirt, replacing it for my pyjama one. As I change, I feel Red's eyes on me. I give her a look.

"Perv." I say as she puts her hands up in surrender.

"It's just an instinct for me to look at an attractive girl while she's changing." Red shrugs, grinning goofily as I roll my eyes.

"Thanks for the compliment." I tell her, and she chuckles as she changes her shirt.

As soon as Red's shirt is on, Lola comes into the room. She sits beside Red, and I reclaim my place on the floor. Lola unties her long, brown hair from her pony tail and stares at me, her pale green eyes meeting my blue.

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