Chapter 10| Clyde

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"Let go of me, you fucking spaz!" Cartman struggles in Tweek's iron grip, attempting to elbow him. Tweek effortlessly avoids his attempts at freedom.

"That wasn't very kind of you Cartman." Tweek tuts then looks at me, still holding onto his arm, "do you agree Clyde?"

I gulp, looking from Cartman to Tweek. Cartman's staring at me, his gaze intense. Tweek's staring at me too, his gaze unreadable. Slowly, I nod, showing that I agree with him.

Tweek then shoves Cartman aside, and he stumbles, bumps into a locker and almost falls.

"I'll get you back, you fag!" Cartman shouts as he quickly runs down the corridor, Tweek rolls his eyes.

"You know," Tweek starts, offering me a hand. "I've never seen him run that fast."

I look at Tweek, as he looks down at me with gentle green eyes, and a warm smile. I sniff, smile back and take his hand.

I slowly begin to stand, feel a sharp pain in my leg. "What are you doing out in the hall?" Tweek asks me.

I stumble as I stand, the pain in my leg almost unbearable. I fall. Tweek effortlessly catches me, as if he's stopped people from falling a million times. He wraps his arms around my waist, holding my up and letting me take any pressure off of my leg.

I want to thank him, but my jaw aches and I fear talking will only cause more pain, which will cause more tears.

"Let's get you to the nurse, your jaw looks pretty bruised." I sniff, and cling to Tweek's arm as we walk to the nurse's office together.


It turns out, Cartman managed to dislocate my jaw, yet he only bruised my leg. The nurse had escorted me to the hospital, and I had begged her to let Tweek come with me. She wasn't going to say anything, until I started crying and wouldn't stop.

I did stop however, when she let Tweek come with me. The ride to the hospital was tense, as it was clear the nurse didn't want to make me cry, and it was clear that I didn't like hospitals.

That was especially evident when we turned up at the hospital, and I immediately burst out crying. It was silent crying, as my jaw hurt so much. Tweek and I had been put in a room, taken by someone in pink scrubs. The nurse had left, claiming she had the responsibility of other students.

Someone in blue then came into the room, and locked my jaw into place. Then I screamed. Like a girl. It hurt, so much. I cried.

Then I was placed in a room.

Currently, Tweek is here with me, on the phone with Craig. He's pacing. I watch him talk, his eyes shine with happiness, and whenever he's listening he's smiling. If I listened closely, I could hear Craig's voice from the other end; it was laced with concern.

Craig's voice that quickly switched into a teasing tone, and Tweek gasped. He makes the noise one would make when figuring out their friend has a crush on someone, and then he laughs. He places his hand over he speaker, and looks over at me.

"Guess who wants to speak with you on the other end Clyde?" I look at Tweek blankly, tilting my head to the side as I motion to my jaw. Tweek scoffs.

"It'll only be a few words," he approaches me, hand still over the speaker. "Now speak to your concerned boyfriend-to-be."

At the phrase 'boyfriend-to-be', I blush and my stomach twists, while a loud, crackly voice erupts through the phone because of the phrase. Tweek giggles, and passes me the phone.

I take it, and place it to my ear as Tweek sits at the bottom of the hospital bed.

"Hel-lo?" I say slowly, my jaw aching with every syllable.

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