powderpuff game

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went to the powderpuff game on friday.

lowkey disappointed cause our girls lost. i swear the other team cheated but whatever.

our cheerleaders were better the boys were so funny lmfao

alTHOUGH I DO ADMIT one of the cheerleaders on the other team was cute. he was white and had the fuckboi hair bUTSTILL HE WAS PRETTY HOT

like our boys wore a pink shirt an tutus but they actually wore cheer uniforms and that guy was wearing like a one strap thing and you could see his collar bones and his arms HIS FUCKIGN ARMS JESUS THEY WERE SO HOT LIKE PLS U CAN PUNCH ME IN THE FACE AND I WOULDN'T MIND

bro they were muscled fuCK

anyway i only had 2 extra dollars bought 2 bags of chips :(( they were selling chick fil a at the concession stand :((((((

still sad and annoyed we lost lol

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