Chapter 5

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"Oh my stars, that doesn't look to good..." Peridot said after Lapis showed Peridot her wounded leg.  "Well, it doesn't hurt that much."  Lapis lied, shrugging off.  "Give me your other leg."  Peridot said, Lapis propping her other leg onto the bed.   "Does it hurt if I do... this?"  Peridot said as she softly karate chopped Lapis's leg.  "No?"  Lapis replied, bringing her unhurt leg to her chest.  "Now I'm going to do it to your other leg with the same amount of force.  Okay?"  Peridot said, looking at me for a okay signal.  Doing the same movement to Lapis's wounded leg, Lapis winced in pain, looking at Peridot.  "Did that hurt?"  Peridot said with one eyebrow raised.  "Y-Yes..."  Lapis replied, leaning back a little.

Sighing, Peridot stood up and stretched.  Scared that she was going to leave, Lapis grabbed her arm.  "Wait!  Don't go...  I don't want to be left in here by myself again."  Peridot looked at her with a disproving look on her face, then sat down.  "Fine."  Peridot sighed.   She sat down, browsing the room curiously, then a framed picture caught her eye.  "Uh, is that you... and Jasper?  I thought she didn't know you!"  Peridot said, adjusting her glasses to make sure it was actually there.  "We... uh... used to be friends, you could call it."  Lapis said with hesitation in front of the word friends.  "In high school.  But we hate each other, so we don't talk... or even pretend to know each other for that matter."  "I see..." Peridot said, turning to Lapis who was obviously avoiding her gaze.  "Why didn't you tell me?  It would have-"  "I didn't feel like it, okay?!"  Lapis said with anger in her voice, then realizing she had yelled at Peridot, she quickly calmed down.  "O-Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry... It's just I feel very uncomfortable talking about that subject."  "Could you tell me more about that, Lapis?"

As Peridot walked into her dorm, she found Jasper sitting on a bench, playing some game on her phone.  At the sound of Peridot's arrival, Jasper looked over, and turned off her phone.  "So, nerd, how's it going with your girlfriend, Lapis?"  "Wh-What?!" Peridot said, not completely sure what her reaction was to that- something like a mixture between surprise and anger.  "She's not my girlfriend!  And I'm not gay!  What proof do you have to suggest we're together?"  Jasper chucked a bit.  "Well, you guys almost kissed at the lunch table,"  Jasper said, become more amused when Peridot turned a light shade of red.  "And, you guys were sleeping together last night."  "What in the world Jasp- How did you know that?  I-It was an accident! She might be gay but I'm not!  I told her to leave, but noOOOooo... She has to stay!  I can't even believe the incompetent attitude she has towards things like this..."  Peridot was now talking to herself more than talking to Jasper.  Then, Peridot remembered something.

"Hey Jasper, you used to know Lapis, didn't you?"  Peridot said, glancing over at Jasper.  Jasper froze, then said, "Y-Yeah.  We don't talk anymore.  Did Lapis tell you everything?"  The truth was, Lapis had definitely NOT told Peridot everything.  In fact, Lapis had told Peridot almost nothing.  Soon after Peridot asked Lapis to tell her more about Jasper, she had dismissed Peridot from her room in a very unfriendly way.  Although, Peridot couldn't miss this amazing chance to make Jasper feel uncomfortable (and perhaps get more information) , so she said, "Yes.  Every last detail."  To Peridot's surprise, Jasper started chuckling.  Then laughing.  Soon, she had fallen onto the bed, clutching her stomach with laughter.  Peridot turned red once again.  "Wh-What's so funny?"  "Oh nothing," Jasper said, trying to calm down, but then hit with another wave of laughter.  "So she told you everything... her deepest darkest secrets... and you're not mad at me?  Oh boy... are you sure it was everything?"  Peridot wasn't sure what to say.  She could lie and say 'yes', or she divert the lie by saying 'maybe not everything' (Telling the truth wasn't a choice... at least not with Jasper) .  Suddenly, Peridot recalled her conversation with Lapis.


"N-No, I don't want to."

"Please, Lapis?  I'm really curious."

"Well... We used to be really close..."

"What made you guys hate each other?"

"O-Oh I don't know... A lot of things I guess.  You can leave now."

"What if I don't want to?  Really, I'm curi-"

"I said, you can leave now.  You wanted to leave earlier, and now's your chance."


"Do I really need to escort you out?"

"No... but Jas-"


"Fine... I'll go."


"Just shut up, okay Jasper?"  Peridot scowled, clearly in a bad mood.  "Same to you, nerd."  Jasper snapped back, also not in the best mood.  Peridot got ready for bed, quickly swallowing her pills and going to sleep.


A/N : Finally... another chapter! I'm so sorry this took so long, and I'm sorry it's so short (Only 803 words!) !  I will hopefully update soon... Your words of encouragement push me on... Thank you guys!  Peace!

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