Chapter 8

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Lapis let out a sigh, treading back to her dorm. A large bruise was starting to take shape on her left cheek, and her lip was bleeding. Squeezing the orange capsule in her right hand, she started to recall previous events to what had lead up to her bruise(s) and busted lip.

Lapis had taken the second entrance to cafeteria with Amethyst, one that she did not usually take. Right when she was about to bid her farewell to Amethyst she heard a loud crash. Looking over, she spotted Peridot on the floor, head slightly bleeding from a collision of multiple chairs.

Eyes widening, she willed herself to go over to Peridot, but seemed to be frozen in shock. What did Jasper want from her? There were many questions that flicked through Lapis's mind before drifting off into the void where they would never be found or answered.

A bright orange capsule caught Lapis's eye, and apparently Jasper's too. Snatching it from the ground, Lapis watched as Peridot's small arm helplessly flailed at the capsule, before returning slowly back onto the ground. She looked frightened, to say the least.

Lapis wanted to help. She really did, but deep down inside she too was curious of what the purpose of the pills in Peridot's pocket was. Shaking her head, she started to make her way towards Jasper. It was a slow shaky walk, as her past with Jasper had not been a good one. But right as she started to walk, she felt a hand grab her arm.

"Lapis, what are you doing?" Lapis heard Amethyst's voice in a hushed whisper say. Without looking around, she replied - also quite quietly - "I want- I need to save her- I can't just-" "If you confront Jasper, you are going to get hurt, and you know that." Lapis turned around, and wrenched her arm free. "You're right, I do know that. I- I'm willing to take the risk, okay?"

"What's this?" Lapis heard Jasper's voice say from far away in an unusual loud voice. Turning back around she saw Jasper with the orange capsule in front of her scrunched up face. She then said something much more quiet, to the point where the only way Lapis knew she said anything was by the movement of her mouth.

What happened next took her by surprise, and took her to a new level of anger.


Peridot had gotten up at 'hey everyone' and was out the door by the word 'pocket'. Once again, Lapis started to make her way to Jasper. She wasn't even sure what she was intending to do, anger was blurring her mind to the point where she didn't even notice when she knocked over someone's milk carton.

She felt a faint hand grasp for her arm, as well as hearing a "Lapis, what are you doing?". It all felt so distant, and after twisting her own arm a bit, the grasp was gone.

Lapis stared directly into Jasper's cruel eyes, eyes flickering to Peridot's antidepressants in her overly large hand.

"Aww look, Peridot's girlfriend is here! Would have been a little helpful if you were here a bit ago, huh-"

Jasper's teasing was soon interrupted by a punch to her jaw. It took Lapis a few seconds to realize that she was the one who had punched Jasper. Looking down at her own hand, she saw some abrasions on her knuckles, but didn't feel any of the pain.

Jasper reeled back to the punch, not expecting it. After a few seconds of Jasper coming to the realization that she had been hit, all hell came loose.

A punch here, a kick there, and some blood. After about three minutes of uppercuts and high kicks, and Lapis found Jasper - on the floor - underneath her foot. It took her some time to register in her mind that she had just won a fight with Jasper.

Growling underneath her, Jasper snarled, "I only let you win because I want you back, Lapis," spitting out the last word like venom.

"I'll never get back with you. Plus, I have better people to pursue," Lapis said, tone lightening up at the last sentence and a small, dorky smile plastered on her face.

"Fuck you," Jasper sneered, trying to wriggle out of Lapis's weight.

Letting a scoff, Lapis replied with "you wish" before turning around and making her way to her dorm.



Lapis looked at her dorm door, and was surprised to find it slightly ajar.


Peridot found herself holding the knife to her wrist, shakily. It had been at least two minutes since she had first brought the knife to her wrist, and Peridot couldn't seem to do anything. She couldn't put the knife away, she couldn't bring the knife down onto her artery.

This should be easy. I've tried this before, why can't I do it now?

Peridot pushed the knife downward slowly - and very shakily - until she drew blood. Then she just kept the knife there, not knowing why she couldn't do the deed.

"Put the knife down, Peridot. Please."

Peridot turned around to the all-too-familiar voice, and realized the tears that had been streaming down her face for the past five or so minutes.


"I said, put the knife down."

Defeatedly, Peridot lifted the knife from her own skin and dropped it onto the carpet.

Lapis took one shaky step forward, before running towards Peridot and enveloping Peridot in her arms before feeling tears prick her own eyes.

"P-Peridot, don't scare me like that, okay? I-I thought- I thought-"

"I-I'm sorry Lapis, I just... couldn't t-take it anymore," Peridot said in between breaths. Why was she enjoying this? She should NOT be enjoying Lapis's hug. She partially leaned onto Lapis, head buried in her shoulder. Peridot was enjoying the silence until-

"I love you."

Peridot shot up out of Lapis's embrace, and looked directly into Lapis's sheepish face. "E-Excuse me?"

Lapis took a deep breath, and repeated it. "I-I love you."

"I- I'm straight-"

"No, I know that, I just... needed to get it off my chest." Lapis felt her face heat up, knowing that she should have said nothing.

"I- uh- Maybe I should get going-" Peridot stammered, standing up.

"Of course, just wait here," Lapis said quietly, rushing to the bathroom and getting bandages.

She handed the bandages to Peridot, and Peridot took them with some hesitation. "What a-are these for?" She asked, fiddling with the roll of bandages to distract her from her heated face.

Lapis motioned to Peridot's wrist slowly, not really wanting to bring up the topic. "You, uh, cut it a little."

"Oh," was all that Peridot replied with. It was all that Peridot needed to reply with.

Peridot quickly took the bandages and wrapped them around her wrist, pressing down on the cut to see if it hurt.

"A-Alright, bye-"


Lapis grabbed onto Peridot's shoulders so that Peridot was facing her. Peridot was close. Close enough to kiss.

"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" Lapis said, voice wavering as if she was about to cry (again). Peridot nodded once in reply, and then took her leave.

A Girl Like You (Lapidot College/Human AU Fanfic) [HIATUS...?]Where stories live. Discover now