Chapter 7

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A/N: Y'all asked, and I delivered.  I really was planning on never updating this, but the support was INSANE!  It really motivated me to keep going.    And yes, I am going to finish this book.  It might reach 8 or 9 chapters, so beware that this story is coming to a stop!  Sorry if this chapter was a tad too dramatic.  What do I mean?  Oh, you'll see...

Peridot woke up, sun shining in her eyes. She felt terrible, although she couldn't remember what caused it. It was then that Peridot came to the realization that she was in the same bed with Lapis. "OH MY STARS-" she started to scream before she was pushed off of the bed. "Nnngh, shut up, 'm trying to sleep," a groggy voice spoke up. "O-Oh, sorry," Peridot apologized, sitting up. She was fully awake now, and felt as if she could throw up at any minute.

"Lapis?" Peridot said in a timid voice. "Hm?" Was the reply, voice muffled by the pillow that Lapis had her face smushed into. "I don't know why I'm here, and I don't feel so good," Lapis stretched, and sat up using the wall for support. "Peridot, you had three shots. How can you not remember anythi-" Before Lapis could finish her sentence, Peridot stood up suddenly and rushed to the bathroom. Belching could be heard from across the room. "Stars, Peridot, your tolerance is incredibly low," Lapis half shouted across the room. "I'm seeing stars right now," was a small whimper heard from the bathroom, followed by the sound of a toilet flushing.

Peridot trudged back to Lapis's bed, tripping and falling right into her arms. "Oh, careful there, Peri," Lapis said with a grin. Peridot immediately pushed herself up. "Shut up. And it's Peridot, not Peri," she corrected Lapis. Clearing her throat, she declared, "Peeeeeeeeeriiiiiiii-" Peridot cast her a death glare. "Dot. Peridot." Rolling her eyes, Peridot walked over to the door. "Awh, where are you going?" Lapis whimpered, standing up. "To my classeWHY ARE YOU STANDING WITHOUT YOUR CRUTCH" Lapis shrugged, twirling on her non-casted foot. "Guess I just learned how to at the party. Thanks to you holding on to my arm- you're extremely clingy when you're drunk."

"Drunk? What are you talking about? I didn't drink." Peridot said, confusion filling her voice. Lapis stopped turning. "Uh... yeah, you did. Ruby gave you three shots of vodka, remember?" Peridot shook her head 'no'. "And during the game of truth and dare you kissed- do you remember any of this?" Peridot shook her head no again, and then said, "Kissed who? Or what?" "Y-You. I mean, your hand. You started making out with it and stuff," Lapis said, letting out some nervous laughter. If Peridot didn't remember, Peridot didn't need to know.

"D-Did anyone see?" Peridot asked worriedly. Lapis shrugged. "Maybe a few people, but they were all so drunk I doubt they will remember it." Another lie. "I can't keep doing this. Not to the girl you love." Lapis thinks to herself, but she manages to convince herself that she's lying for the girl she loves- so she won't be even more devastated.

Lapis walks over to Peridot, despite the lack of crutches. "Let's go get lunch, sound good?" "It's not lun-" Peridot starts to state before Lapis showed Peridot her watch that read 12:14 PM. "Oh stars, I missed all of my morning classes-" Lapis grabbed Peridot's wrist, and led her outside of the dorm room.

After Lapis and Peridot made it outside of the dorm room, Lapis let go of Peridot's wrist. "I'm going to go visit Amethyst real quick, go get some lunch and save me a seat!" Peridot shrugged and started walking away. After she was sure Lapis was out of hearing range, she mumbled, "Not like anyone wants to sit with me anyways."

And she was right. Taking her usual seat at the empty table after buying some nachos (At least that's what she thinks it is), she went into her usual slouchy position with her hood half-way covering her face. Soon after, something had hit the table at an amazing amount of power. It was Jasper.

"So, nerd, where's your girl toy at?" Jasper sneered, grinning from ear to ear. "Leave me alone, don't you have anyone else to pester?" Peridot grumbled, hesitatingly eating her nachos(?). "No one is as idiotic as you are, so no." She paused for a few seconds before flipping Peridot's food so it landed on her favorite alien hoodie. Peridot stood up in anger, ready to beat the crap out of this bully.

Peridot was wrong, so very wrong.

She was forcefully pushed backwards, falling over a chair. Many gasps could be heard from around them, and many whispered "holy shit"s could be heard. While she fell, something slipped out of her sweatshirt pocket. Peridot tried to snatch it up, but she was in no posistion to. The arm nearest to the item that fell out of her pocket was bleeding a bit and felt a bit paralyzed, probably from shock. Peridot prayed that Jasper wouldn't see it.

Sadly enough, she did. "What's this?" she sneered in a cruel tone. "SSRIs...? I knew you were more problematic than everyone thought you were." Jasper turned around and yelled, "HEY EVERYONE, LIL' PERIPOOP HAS SSRIS IN HER POCK-" The rest of the statement was muffled out as Peridot ran from the scene. She was tired of being teased and tormented. She ran to Lapis's dorm for comfort, but she wasn't there. "Of course she's not here, she has better people to hang out with," Peridot thought, the dotted drops in her eyes falling out of her eyes.

And there she was, in the middle of Lapis's dorm room, sobbing. No purpose in life, no purpose to live. But she couldn't think these thoughts- or could she?

Peridot slowly reached out her hand, reaching for something that looked like a pocket knife.

Sorry, Lapis.

A Girl Like You (Lapidot College/Human AU Fanfic) [HIATUS...?]Where stories live. Discover now