The Truth part 1

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   Nathan's Pov

She was finally in a pack! I'm proud of her. Like a father sending his daughter to college, I felt a small sense of loss. I can no longer watch over her, she has someone else, someone more important to watch over her. I think I will finally step out of the shadows.

As soon as Zander had stopped kissing Mai, I made my way to the middle of the stage. Zander and Mai looked at me with confused eyes. "Who are you?" he asked. After a long while of looking into their eyes, I say " My name is Nathan Stone. I am 19 years old. And I am the second and last survivor of the Blooming Rose pack."

   Mai's Pov

Wait what?? The Blooming Rose.... That's my pack.... How is he a survivor? I was the only one... Everyone else was massacred and outnumbered.... How is this possible?

   Zander's Pov

What the guy said.. Nathan... Wasn't that the pack that my father had taken over? What did he mean second and last survivor? Who is the first? Why did this have to happen now? Now that my beloved mate is a member of my pack. I looked at my mate and there were tears in her eyes. She started to move towards the guy in utter shock. She wasn't even herself anymore. "How? How are you here? You cant be from my pack, everyone was killed!" She said. I didn't understand what was going on. "Yes, just like you I survived. But would you like to know the person who murdered our pack? Would you like to know the truth?" he said. She nodded. "It was Zander's father, the former alpha of this pack, that killed your parents and the rest of our family." Then it all came to me. Mai and this person named Nathan, were the only survivors of the pack my father had taken over. It all made sense now. The picture of the girl in my bedroom that made me feel so drawn towards her. That girl was Mai. My father hadn't taken over as he told me, he had killed them all! I looked towards Mai and she looked at me with pure terror. "Your father was the tyrant alpha that killed my family?" I regretfully nodded. But then again, it wasn't my fault. I had no control over what had happened. I was only a young boy, what could I have done?

The Alpha Who Killed My Pack Is My Mate?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt