The Truth part 2

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  Mai's Pov

I started my investigation. I wanted to relieve the stress that has been sitting in the back of my head. I wanted to know why Zanders father had done what he did. I couldn't ask directly because apparently Zanders father is dead. But I shouldv'e known because one: Zander was the alpha and two: he hasn't been talked about ever since i moved in with Zander. So Zander gave me permission to look through his fathers old files and diary.

So far, I didn't discover anything. Olive came in with two cups of tea on a tray. "Hey Oli." "Learn anything?" "Sigh..... Nope." She hands me a cup of tea and sits down on the couch next to me. She didn't say anything. All she did was quietly stare at me while sipping her tea. "Olive..." "Hm?" "Do you want to talk about something?" I looked at her with an eyebrow raised up. I had amusement in my eyes. "Oh! Um.. It's just, well..." I could see her eyes quickly moving from my mark, back to my face, and then the mark again. This was hilarious! I thought she was this tough tomboy who didn't care about this sort of stuff. But ever since she found Nathan, she turned into a girly girl. But I guess the both of us have changed a lot after finding our mates.

"You want to know about my mark don't you?" She gratefully nodded. Her way of acting informed me that she was definetly......... "So.. your a virgin?" I asked. Her face flushed. "Hahahah! You know I'm just playing with you." After a long while I turned back towards the diary but kept my hearing towards her. "So did it hurt?" "Actually, no. It wasn't painful. It was...pleasuring." I suddenly felt uncomfortable talking to her about this. So I turned my full attention towards the diary. My eyes widened and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I had reached the part of the diary where he was talking about my pack.

June 21st, 2000

My son was 5 years old when I took over the first pack, the Blooming Rose.


The prepartions were complete. I had already warned the alpha to surrender, but he had not agreed. So now, I was standing a few miles away from the entrance of the pack. Just inches away from the border. After a while, I started the ambush. Since I was informed that the pack was small in size, I hadn't brought that many soldiers. At first I sent some of the smaller groups to start up a battle. But then, I sent the whole team in and surrounded the pack territory.

In a short amount of time, they were all killed. I left the territory for a few days to tell my pack about the victory. About how terrified the pack looked and how easy it was to defeat them. I laughed when I thought about how the alpha and luna were practically begging for mercy. I mean, they put up a well enough fight, but not enough to kill me. They apparently didn't beleive in war and never actually seriously trained the pack for situations like that. Which was beyond stupid.

The reason why I wanted their land is because it was set a top a mountain like area. I wanted land above ground because

a.) it makes me feel like I was above everyone else

b.) if there ever was a pack brave enough to attack me, I can see all the directions they were coming in. That would counter an ambush.

Besides, it's better than the land I have now where the land is in a valley and could be greatly ambush from the top.

My son asked about what happened to the Blooming Rose pack. I lied and told him that the pack was taken over. That no one actually died. They are just in hiding. i want him to believe the lie and believe it until the day I die.


Just reading this is heartbreaking. He was that cocky and self-centered asshole. Olive senses my rage and mindlinks Zander. In a few seconds, Zander comes and asks whats wrong. Although he can also sense my rage because we are mated, he doesn't know why exactly I'm mad. By then I'm already in my wolf form. Tearing away at the page. He holds me firmly so I can calm down. He asks again whats wrong and I mindlink him what I read. After a while he understands my rage and startes to get mad himself. "How could he do that?" He yells.

If his father hadn't died, I wouldv'e killed him. I wouldv'e killed himand enjoyed it.

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