Tim Drake Robin

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Hey guys so this chapter is basically what happened to me last week, (except I didn't meet Tim drake.) But I ran out of ideas, and was like why not base one chapter about my horrible life. Any ways enjoy.

You were at the Rtd bus stop, you were with your two best friends. You were munching away on takis, when all of a sudden you saw your boyfriend. Your boyfriend was all great and stuff in middle school, but highschool had changed him alot.

He barley talks to you, he doesn't make eye contact with you when you guys talk. He was always acting out when his friends are around, he flirts with other girls, especially when you read his messages on messenger. And when you were only around, he wanted nothing but your body. He even gave you a fake necklace, that he claimed was a bunch of money, but was from a vending machine. But he gave you a 300 dollar bracket.

He was walking up to the bus stop, and you began to approach him, but he saw you and turned his back.

"Hey, I thought you usually caught the school bus."

"No..... I always catch this bus." He said without making eye contact you.

"Oh." you walked away since he was throwing a attitude. You walked back to your friends and looked down. You wanted to cry, you really loves him was different from all the others, but he is being fake. He then walked over to a group of girls and began flirting with them. You wanted to cry but held in the tears. You pulled out your beats, and blasted your favorite song.

Tim's POV

I was standing on the church stairs at the bus stop. I just watched how Y/n was treated by her bf, and that's no way to treat a girl, if she were mine I would never do that. I've liked Y/n for awhile. We talked here and there. Especially when she needed advice. I really wanted her to be mines, she needs to know that, there's still good guys out there. I'm one of them.

The bus pulled up, but there were two of them since lots people caught the bus. Her bf got on the and Y/n got on the second one, she seemed very sad, she sat by herself, she looked like she was gonna cry. I got on and watched her like a hawk, cause if she began to cry I would be by her side in a flash.

She got off at her stop and walked to her house.

Your POV

My music was blasting, I know I shouldn't, I mean I'm on federal with a bunch of drunks and potheads and people who stare at you, as if you were there next victim, but I didn't care. I walked up to my door at my apartment and opened the door and got in the shower. I let the steaming water hit my face And i sat there in pain.

I finally got out and texted my bf. I told I apologize if I did anything wrong and I wanted to talk this out. He read it and left me on seen. I texted my other friend, but she just began talking all this bullshit to me and just told her to never talk to me again. I made a post on Facebook saying how I only needed my bffs and my donuts.
I then powered off my phone and went to sleep.

Tim's POV

I saw Y/n's post on Facebook, that's when I knew she needs a friend and some advice right now. I texted her, but it said she was active and hour ago. Hopefully she is okay.

-----next day Saturday-----

You woke up and had powered on your phone and saw you had two messages, one was from Tim, and another from your bf.

Your bf, texted you and said you don't need him. You broke down and began to cry. You layed in your bed in pain. You knew it was over.

"I was played, I can't believe I was blinded, and to think we were about to.....! I can't believe this, all I did for him! Fuck love!" You yelled.

You began to play fuck love gimme diamonds. You loved  that song, especially when it came to a break up.
You then read the text from Tim, it said if you were ok. You replied with yes. You were lying. You didn't want him to worry.

You were heading to the library, its the place you always came to chill. You went upstairs and went to your normal chill spot and began to read a new comic.

Tim's POV

I was at the library to play Roblox, hey don't judge. Anyways, I walking around after that. I walked over to where I hang, and spotted Y/n. I walked over to her.

"Y/n, hey what are you doing here?"

"Oh um hey Tim, I'm just here to chill. How about you?"

"To also do the same thing...... Hehe."

"Oh." She said she looked down. She looked sad.

"How have u been? I watch what he does, I don't wanna sound like a creep, but that's not right what he does."

"I... I know." She sighed.

"He only wanted you in his pants. Im sorry but it the truth, I just don't wanna see you hurt." I grabbed her hand as she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, she cried, and I grabbed her and hugged her tight.

"I'm never gonna let go."


Hopefully you enjoyed,and thsi is what happened to me, don't let fuck boys blind you and never change no matter what grade your in. And sorry for any spelling errors.

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