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"Please don't do this!" I screamed into my hands,
I could tell my makeup was smudging and I probably started to look like a punk rock clown in a light blue prom dress.

"I'm sorry you're just not what I want anymore" replied Tristan, my boyfriend for two years. 

"I met someone new....  I'm sorry. I'm sure you can understand I've known her for so long. I'm sorry, okay? " he then spoke.

Those very words crushed me.
I whispered "okay... "
As i slowly turns away and walked away from the guy who i once gave my heart to and just watched him tear it into pieces right in front of me.

I slowly slid into my small black colored BMW
and started the engine. I just sat there staring and thinking...

what did I do so wrong..
I gave that boy everything,  i never complained, I let him do what he wanted,  with or without me...I nev-

Interrupted and startled from a honking horn right behind me, I jumped and looked out of my window.

It was my best friend Chase.
He was a sweet guy. Charming as well with his baby blue eyes and light brown hair,  He was wearing a bright red hoodie, he had these big ears that popped out of his hair every time I seen it.
It always puts a smile on my face!
But not this time.

Putting my hand out and waving I tried to scream, "I'll catch up with you later!  I have to go," but my voice croaked and he already made it up to my window before I could try again.

"Maggie? " he softly spoke.
I stared at him and didn't know what to say...

I thought, how could I tell him?

Before I could think of what to say
He leaned down to my eye level and whispered,
"I saw what had happened...  I'm so sorry Maggie.. "

I couldn't hold the tears back any longer.
My face started getting hot and my eyes started watering, everything was getting blurry.

 I heard my door open and I felt chase hug me.
I finally broke down  I couldn't be strong anymore,  It all hurt so bad. Like needles sticking into my chest.  It started to get hard to breathe...

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