4 : The big one

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Three months after meeting Leo on this crazy internet site  Me and leo has been hitting it off pretty well i'd say he always makes me laugh and makes my awful work days actually delightful 

Even though i haven't met Leo i feel like i know him. We talk about everything from our lunches to random things we see around us. 

 One day i was in my office looking through some photos i have previously shot at my favorite place near my apartment i was going to develop the photos and maybe show Leo one maybe he would enjoy seeing north carolina. Just then i was going to the photo room and i spot tristan outside the glass front wall standing seeming to be waiting on someone. 

My stomach fell to the ground 

"What the heck does he think he is doing trying to meet up with women right outside my job!"

He knows i work here ,He knows ill see him. 

I was furious. I stormed outside and walked straight up to him 

"Tristan you have to leave now. you're not allow to be in this lot."  ( My work lot is sometimes private the manager hates when the parking lot doesn't have a parking spot when she comes in) 

" Well actually " He said   He sounded a bit hesitant i felt entirely numb.

He then spoke " i came to see you "

"What for Tristan i haven't got time for this i need to get back to work" I needed to leave i didn't want to talk to tristan not now i needed to breathe and think straight. 

He then got super close to me and spoke soft and looked down " I miss you, i shouldn't have left you , that girl she was horrible  she lied and used  me and wanted to break us up. she wanted me to not be happy and i let her im sorry"  I felt bad he generally looked so sad  

It felt like we were dating again and i kinda felt happy  but then i got this pound of anger and blurted out "You let her break us up you let her ruin us, you did this yourself Tristan you didn't stop to think about me only yourself and who could be the nexts girl you could hook up with

i was livid i turned around so fast my hair hit me in my face feeling like sharp needles. I took one step and i felt Tristan rip my arm from in front of me and twist me facing him he pushed me hard against the glass wall he was standing by. i felt my head bounce off the glass it stung, My head felt dizzy His whole tone changed " I didn't come here for you to be snobby i came to get you back." he said it so frightening. I didn't know what to say back

" so you don't want to use that smart mouth of yours and reply?" he said 

all i could think about was getting away from him, He had my arms pinned between us and he was holding them by my wrist so tight i couldn't move them. 

I felt like my mouth was glued shut but i somehow ripped it open to mumble out very few words while looking away from him his face was so close to mine it was uncomfortable  

" Can we talk another time i have work to do "

 Tristan then let go off his grip of me and backed up and just walked off. 

the internet boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora