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I replied to Leo with a simple reply.  I didn't want to sound too invested. I clicked on his profile just to see what this guy actually looks like so I scrolled down his page.

Hmm he's a cutie.

light brown hair,  light colored hazel eyes, very charming smile and he is tall, slim. 

Definitely my type.

Remember just friends.

His profile says he lives 2 hour away from my location.

WHAT?! Internet friends?  How is that even possible.

My curiosity grew very deep by this point. I messaged him before he replied to my previous message

Me: where do you live?
Took him no longer then a minute to reply,
Leo: I live in virginia how about yourself?
Me: I just saw you were 2 hours away from me so i was curious, and north carolina.

And that was when everything started....

We began to talk every morning and throughout the day when i wasnt working. 

We then exchanged numbers so we could communicate more. Leo told me he graduated and was now working in the most popular place in his town. Later to find out he works in the mall 

He was cute,  good education and had a kind heart, and FUNNY

What could go wrong?

Oh no I'm developing feelings.. Ughhh.

It's been 7 months since I've last seen Tristan on that terrible night.

 Almost a month since i've been talking to Leo

Could I really just get over him that fast?

i didn't think I could but it was happening and it was happening way too fast Leo was a great guy
He was charming and sweet
Unlike Tristan he was so mean to me and I never even realize it until I met Leo, I deserve better and Leo showed me that. 

Then it hit me 

Leo only wants to be friends. I started this online app for friends not to find a guy and develop a crush....


I felt like it was a little fast to be crushing on him. Leo was a great guy he made me laugh all the time and i actually forget about tristan when we talk and i haven't even met this boy yet. I can not call it a crush 

the internet boyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon