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Emily texted me a link to some website but it didn't really look like something I would be interested in. However I tried it anyway.   I opened my laptop and
started to create an account  but I had this swarm of butterflies in my stomach. 
I've never been on one of these sites

What if no one actually talked to me or I was weird to them?

I'm a girl from North carolina.
Im shy,
Im 19 I don't look my age and sometimes I don't act it either,
I have brown medium length hair and im not that tall, I work in a small office ,   I'm a photographer for my towns newspaper and no not like the really cool big articles that catches everyone's eyes. more like the small article on the last page or so that no one notices.  I'm dull i've been told.                                                                                                                  

I snapped out of my train of thought and began to create my profile and set my name 

Maggie Carter

I started to upload my recent photos off my laptop. 

I then received likes on my photos and people started messaging me.
There were a lot of perverted men but I managed to ignore plenty of them.
I started to lose hope so I shut my laptop and layed it beside my bed, and decided I'd take a break and take a shower. I got up and went to my closet and grabbed my blue tank-top and pink pajama shorts with small unicorns on them.
Then I grabbed my towel and headed out of the door. 


After my shower I walked back into my room to throw my clothes into my basket and missed. Halfway into my room I heard my laptop peep. 
I've never heard that noise before so I figured it was that new website.
I jumped on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I placed it on my lap and opened it, it displayed two new chats from Cole Harman and  Leo Evan.

Cole's message read: Hello lovely you look like you came from heaven.

How cheesy, I thought.

Leo's message read: Hello saw you were looking for friends. So am I! 😊

Hmm. Okay then.
Didn't seem too weird to me. Maybe he just wanted to be friends.

I completely ignore Cole's message and replied to leo's.

Me: hi, that's cool (:

I sent that with a lump in my throat.
A few minutes later Leo then replied.

Leo: How are you?  I'm Leo.

We begin to have a civil conversation.

Me: hi I'm Maggie, nice to meet you.  And I'm okay,  how are you?

leo: Nice to meet you Maggie and I think I'm doing well.  I'm still breathing (:

I giggled to myself.

the internet boyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя