chapter 1

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It was a hot summer day.  The breeze was blowing hard and it smelled like sweet honey oaks outside my apartment 

It's been a month or two since Tristan broke up with me and I honestly thought he would come back.  Maybe he just messed up and realized he did wrong ...  But he never messaged me.. 
Every morning I'd jump out of bed just to check my phone. 
Maybe just a text, a call or a notification from social media from him. Anything just so I knew he was thinking about me or wanted me back.

Nothing came, I sat for hours for what felt like forever watching my phone and just waiting.
Waiting for him to realize I was the best person he has ever had.  And I was down for anything with him.

That wasn't enough

I gave him everything.

Why can't he love me?

Everything was running through my mind.  Everything we've been through everything he's told me I just couldn't get it out.  I just wanted to stop loving him.

I was stuck on a cold ice plate with no where to go because I didn't want to get up and move.

*buzz buzzz*

My heart launched into my throat. I grabbed my phone, hoping it was the message I had been waiting for.

My phone was displaying a text that read,

Hiii Maggie!! (:  This is Emmy!  Found a perfect little online dating site you might love to check out!!!  ;) Super cuties on there, you might find a new rebound!!  Love you!
Ed - PD

Emily is my best friend. We have known each other practically since we were babies. Everyone thinks we are sisters, and I don't blame them. we were always together in school.
She has short red hair and batting blue eyes and shes super pale. Her smile has always been sweet. And she weighs no more than 90 pounds.


I thought. 

How could I do that to someone..

Maybe I could talk to some people.
Not date anyone just talk.  Making friends would be better anyway. 

I knew what I was going to get myself into. 
Another heartbreak.

Gosh I don't want to get more feelings for someone who isn't Tristan.
But I need to get over him.  This is the best way. No attached feelings, just friends.  People should understand...right.

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