part 3

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It had been fifteen minuets and Rigby still couldn't get off the bathroom floor. He was dry heaving by now, nothing left to bring up. The wing on his back was rubbing as gently as possible as to keep him calm. They both knew Rigby panicked when he was sick, but right now he was too tired.

Finally, his stomach started to calm down around the thirty minuet mark, leaving him a moaning mess draped over the toilet. He gathered enough strength to flush the toilet before flopping onto the ground.

His lungs worked furiously to get oxygen back into them and running though his veins again, making him pant and cough.

"Are you done?" The gentle voice of Mordecai brought Rigby back to reality from where he had been beginning to drift off. A small nod was all he could muster.

"Can you get back to the room?" Another question to keep him from drifting off.


Before Rigby could register it, there were wings under his body, holding him bridal style. Out of either instinct or confusion, Rigby wrapped his tired arms around Mordecai's neck as he stood. "Come on dude, lets get you laying down again. I'll call Benson in  the morning and tell him you can't work today. Sound good?"

Rigby was already dozing off again but managed to let it a noise of conformation even though he hadn't really heard any of what his friend had said. Something about Benson? Oh well. Not like anything mattered to his fever riddled brain but sleep right now.

The second his head was placed gingerly onto the pillow, he was asleep.

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