Sketches For Stories

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From the author:
Contest is now over! Congratulations to the winning artist @watterdrop !! I will always appreciate art from anyone who would like to draw any however, even though the contest is over

  Hello friends, readers, and...uh....others.... welcome to my very first contest! Now I was asking around about fanartists, and I'm sure you guys were able to piece together a little bit, so yes, this is my contest. It's called Sketches for Stories, and it's just that, in all aspects.

What I'm asking you guys to do is draw a scene from your favorite fanfiction of mine, doesn't matter which one. You can draw anything you want, I really don't care, anything from their first kiss in These Days to the...well...unfortunate ending of Amortentia. Anyone can draw, if you're an experienced artist or not, just make them presentable. Any fanart submitted to my contest will be added to the designated story part, all will be shown but there will only be one winner.

When all of the art has been considered by me and my board of judges (which will probably be my guinea pig and my best friend) I will declare the winner. The aspects of the art that I'm looking for is how well it's drawn, how well you incorporated one of my stories, how neatly presented it's presented. (Please don't submit anything obscene, no nudity or profanity, I am just a sweet cinnamon roll) You must draw the art yourself, nothing off of the internet....

The winner of this lovely contest will receive a one shot, written by me, about anything (as long as it includes John and Sherlock). You can request basically anything, an AU you wanted to see written, maybe even a snapshot of what's to come on a story whose sequel hasn't been written yet (no spoilers!) The only things are you can't mess with any of my stories (like make someone live or die) and it can't be anything other than Johnlock. Also you'll get a shoutout on my profile and I'll try to find a way I can share the winning art as publicly as possible.

You will have plenty of time, I think the unofficial due date for all art will be when I reach 600 followers. I'm at 570 right now, so it'll take 30 more unfortunate souls until this might conclude. Then again this might take three years, or three days, so I might cut it short or extend it, with plenty of notice of course. To submit your artwork to me, you can private message me on Wattpad (I don't think you can send pictures there, actually) and we can set up something to DM each other on my Instagram account. Please notify me on Wattpad beforehand, just so I don't get all of these random DM's from random people.

So yes, that's my contest. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments, and I really hope you'll consider drawing some artwork for my stories. I want to make my stories look a lot cheerier, and I'm sure with a lot of beautiful artwork from my beautiful followers, we might be able to accomplish that.

With all the love I can share through a computer screen,

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