The Coronavirus Contests

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Hello all you secluded Sherlockians! It's your author here, from the confines of my most boring house. I know that you guys are probably as bored as I, but I'd just like to say that this is a very necessary step in making sure we protect the most vulnerable people in our communities. Making sure that the virus doesn't spread at an alarming rate is essential to help hospitals keep up with the inflow of patients and it also tries to prevent older people and those with immune system disorders from getting sick. So before we begin, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone for doing their part in helping everyone stay healthy!

Since the general response to a contest was positive, I would like to introduce the Coronavirus Contests! As you can see from the plural use, there is more than one contest that will be issued out over these next few days. There will be three phases, each trying to keep you guys entertained and keeping your brains from stagnation! The three contests will be as follows,

1. A fanart contest

2. A fanfiction of a fanfiction contest

3. A quiz about my stories

Sound good? Each one of these contests will be rolled out, maybe in about two days apart from each other, depending on how lethal my college work decides to make itself when online classes begin. There will be a separate page for each contest in a chapter of my oneshot book, where you are reading this current announcement! The prize to each winner will be a one shot of their choice written by me and a shoutout on my page!

    I'll begin with the fanart contest tomorrow, but until then I'll give some nice recommendations to have to keep yourself entertained during these days of quarantine!

Go on a walk/run

Read the Lord of the Rings

Read Sherlock Holmes original stories

Watch Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes on Youtube (the most beautiful series)

Make Sock Puppets of your favorite characters

Learn how to juggle (I've gotten so good over these days)

Dig out your Wii and play MarioKart

Do your dang homework (ew)

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