The Quiz Itself

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Hello All! Here is the promised quiz. Refer to the previous chapter for more detailed instructions. As you take the quiz, record your answers on a separate sheet of paper and submit them to me at . Please do not comment your answers, and don't cheat! There are 41 questions and one bonus, each worth one point. Good luck my dears! Please have your answers by April 11th.

1. In Amortentia, John is more than just a regular Hogwarts student. What secret is he hiding from his fellow classmates throughout the duration of the book?

A. He's a muggle disguised as a wizard

B. He's using polyjuice potion to imitate a more attractive student

C. He's a werewolf

D. He's a spy for the Ministry of Magic

2. In Muggle in a Wizard's World, Sherlock gifts John a particular item to help him blend into the wizard community. What is this gift?

A. A tie

B. A robe

C. A hat

D. A wand

3. In Trust Issues, John is kidnapped from his hometown by a band of pirates. They need him for their mission to find a hidden treasure, but what skills does John have which make him so invaluable?

A. He's a great fighter

B. He's a talented blacksmith

C. He's very attractive

D. He can swim quickly

4. In Luck Goes Both Ways, John is selected to take a part in the Hunger Games alongside of which flirtatious and unfortunate lady?

A. Molly Hooper

B. Irene Adler

C. Janine Hawkins

D. Sarah Sawyer

5. In Where We Started, Sherlock is employed not only as a servant for the Hudson family but also as...

A. A detective for the local police

B. A violin player in the pub

C. A model for local artists

D. A tobacco seller

6. In Like A Fairytale, Sherlock and John spend a lot of their time at the park. What other strange group of inhabitants frequent this park, to which Sherlock has given a fruit related name?

A. Raisin Walkers

B. Grape Groupies

C. Yoga Prunes

D. Peachy Preschoolers

7. During the second Hunger Games in When Luck Runs Out, Sherlock and John team up with what other unlucky victor duo?

A. Sarah Sawyer and Mike Stamford

B. Reginald Musgrave and Mary Morstan

C. Greg Lestrade and Jeanette

D. Victor Trevor and Molly Hooper

8. In The Things Unseen, the house which houses Sherlock in the 1940's and John in the present day also serves as an orchard. What type of trees do both families tend to during their stay?

A. Apples

B. Peaches

C. Chestnuts

D. Pears

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