Now Would Be The Time

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It was recommended that someone should take one to two months off after a break up to start dating again, and so Sherlock decided that one and a half would be a safe bet. He had Googled it of course, just to be sure, and started marking the days off on the calendar just to be sure he knew when the appropriate time would be to ask John Watson out. Now of course he knew that he'd never actually have the daring to go up and ask, and yet sometimes it was better to tell yourself you're going to do it later. It sometimes made the aching loneliness worth it, because for the longest time now Sherlock had been able to convince himself that it would be over soon. It was kind of ironic; really, it was like the universe was cheering for him, seeing as though the exact one and a half month mark fell on every romantic's favorite day, February 14th, Valentine's Day. It was horrible, of course, to be waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in and ask someone out, someone that was way out of his league, much less his sexuality. Ya, so John was straight, or at least that was what he claimed, it was quite the tragedy. And yet Molly Hooper always told Sherlock that he was beautiful enough to bend straight boys a little bit crooked, and so that was what he intended to do. He had a plan, an elaborate plan, to be sure that as soon as the one and half month mark came around John Watson would not only know who he was, but appreciate his presence a little bit more. Well that plan sort of fell through, being as though it was the day before Valentine's Day and Sherlock was still rather sure that John didn't know his name. But oh well, that could be fixed as well. He probably knew that Sherlock existed, of course, they shared the same history class, and yet they had never spoken so much as a word to each other. That class also contained John's beautiful and bubbly ex, Mary Morstan, Sherlock's least favorite human being, which only complicated things if you were timid. Sherlock was timid, so ya, it complicated things. The hard part about Mary was that she was super nice, like the nicest person you'd ever meet, and yet of course Sherlock hated her, that girl was on John's arm for about two years before they finally ended it abruptly. There was some sort of scandal, Sherlock hadn't bothered to know the details really, and yet it had been Mary's fault, not John's, and so at least he was still the angel Sherlock had fallen in love with. It had been since middle school that John Watson had caught Sherlock's eye, well actually it was a pretty funny story. Sherlock had a class with John, and they got the chance to sit together in a pair of desks, all secluded and such. John had asked him for a piece of gum one time, and that was when Sherlock fell head over heels in love with him. So maybe he wasn't some sort of Romeo, and yet John had picked the perfect time to bat his beautiful brown eyes in Sherlock's direction, for that had been the time he had been contemplating his sexuality. It hadn't been a difficult leap, really, because for the longest time Sherlock had been wearing mascara because his eye lids were not big enough. Everyone knew, it would seem, except him. And it wasn't that much of a ponder either, he took a look at a girl, asked himself if he would want to kiss her, and came up with a big no. then he looked at a guy, asked himself if he would want to kiss him, and of course his heart was already pulling him in that general direction. It wasn't too big of a feat. John was that guy, of course. And ever since then it's been that way, Sherlock and John, John not remembering who he was, Sherlock doodling the shape of his eyes in his notebook because the memories were still so vivid, and now was the time to act! Oh how many years has it been (six, Sherlock was keeping track) and still nothing had been done? Well it was the time, it was now! He had to do something, anything really, to let John know he loved him, or at least let John know that Sherlock was single and ready to mingle with any guy that crossed his path. According to Sherlock's month and a half plan they were already supposed to be close friends by now, in fact in a perfect world Sherlock should've been invited to John's rugby games and sat in his car and drank milkshakes, listening to the radio, long after the game had been finished. Well he had been to the games; he's never missed one, on the pretenses of actually enjoying the sport. To be honest he's never even paid attention to one moment of the game, except of course if John had the ball. It's been six years of watching that brutal sport and Sherlock still didn't really know how it was played. He only knew that John looked super cute in his uniform, and he was devilishly handsome when he got punched or thrown, with blood on his face and his blonde hair all messed up and matted on top of his head. Oh he was gorgeous... But that was not the point, no, that most certainly not the point right now! The point was that Sherlock had to find some way to get John to love him, since he wasn't really at his anticipated starting position. Valentine's Day was an ideal day to admit your love; however it was problematic simply because everyone else was gearing up to make a move as well. That might not be a problem so long as Sherlock was the most desirable candidate; however he was most likely not going to be. In fact, he was probably going to be on the bottom of John's list simply because he really wasn't the correct gender. But that was fine; it was an obstacle that could be overcome, simply because Sherlock was beautiful. That was always a plus. And who knows, maybe John was considering Sherlock as a potential date as well? He had broken up with Mary; after all, maybe there hadn't been a real issue after all? Maybe he broke up with Mary because he had his eye on another person, a smart person, and a beautiful one, named Sherlock Holmes... Doubtful. But ideal! Okay, so here was the big reveal, the crowning moment. Sherlock had to make John a valentine, one that was beautiful, elaborate, and straight (gay) to the point. He had bought the construction paper and lace many weeks in advance, just so that it didn't look like he was actually buying to make a valentine, but maybe just a table cloth and some paper hats or something. It was doubtful that the cashier was even aware, for they were all just drug addicts anyway, and so Sherlock thought he was safe in that aspect. And so Sherlock set to work, sitting at his little desk with the door locked, just to be sure that he wasn't walked in on by his parents or Mycroft or someone else who might taunt him about feelings and whatnot. For now no one knew about what was going on in his head or his heart, in fact they all just suspected that he was going the same route as his miserably brother, socially isolated and just weird. And yet Sherlock had a hard time believing that anyone could just opt out of falling in love, especially when there were boys like John Watson just strutting around. Sherlock wished he could just choose not to fall in love, and yet honestly it was like trying to avoid bullets, it was virtually impossible! Just staying in his own lane would be some much easier, no more rushing around, trying to look pretty all the time, no more checking off days on the calendar or making stupid little paper valentines. Okay so maybe he was being a bit too tactical, and all these disadvantages were his own fault, and yet honestly Sherlock suspected that there was only one way to get things done. And so he cut out a large heart out of the red cardboard paper, debating whether or not he should layer it with pink or something like that. However he decided that pink would make it cheesy, besides he would never get the measurements just right (it had taken him a solid twenty minutes just to cut out a perfect heart as it was) and so Sherlock thought that just lace would be appropriate. It didn't take long to cut the lace and glue it on, however it was the note part that was complicated. In order to make it legible Sherlock had to first write it on white paper, so that he could measure it exactly. He just needed to make it fit, he needed to make it beautiful, and of course, he needed to make it cheesy. And so he started with those six words that would make any boy fall instantly in love... Roses are Red, Violets are Blue... So creative, am I right? Sherlock wrote out the words on a ruler and everything, just to be sure that his lines were straight and his handwriting was beautiful. It would work, it was bound to. For a moment Sherlock just sat and thought, for he knew that this was going to take a lot of time to ponder, and yet he had some idea of what he was going after. He had spent many a night thinking about this very poem, and so he knew that it would be perfect, it had to be! And so the finished product,

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