You Can't Be Serious?

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So this wasn't supposed to be anything special, no this was the start of something as opposed to the something. It wasn't a date, it was just a friendly thing, a lonely thing, a lot of single fathers had other people over on Easter, right? Well Sherlock was just as lonely as he, they didn't have any relatives to come and share a ham with, they didn't have any grandparents to go to church with, it was more of a stagnant holiday that they tried to make special with baskets of eggs and multi colored dyes and bunny ear headbands. But Rosie would know that it wasn't special, she'd get the hint if she was left in the company of her father, and of course she had always been very fond of 'Mr.' Sherlock. He had been a friend for a while, they had met under rather unusual circumstances at the grocery store where John shopped, he hadn't been able to reach something on the top shelf due to his height, and of course Sherlock the tall man had been there to help. It was a very casual thing to do, of course, however what Sherlock didn't know was that John hadn't even needed that knock off brand pizza sauce, he had noticed that the tallest man in the aisle also happened to be the most attractive, and so suddenly John had to think of a way to call him over. He was instantly smitten, to say the least, especially when Sherlock had stretched up so that all the buttons on his shirt nearly popped...well that had made the extra five dollar sauce almost worth it. John had been looking around almost obsessively for another match for himself, ever since Mary had decided that the family they had made together wasn't worth her time anymore he had decided that he needed to find a better suited other half. He had been dabbling in bisexuality just as a curiosity thing, for he had been quite sure Mary had been the one, and maybe she had been, at least his female match. Maybe his male match had been wandering about the grocery store aisles, just waiting for him to approach. It was a terrible approach to finding a soulmate and yet he was growing quite desperate, and like it or not the theory that maybe he could find love with a man wasn't too far off. Sherlock turned out to be a wonderful man, lovely not only in his looks but his personality as well! John had wasted no time at the supermarket getting to know the man, buying him a coffee, and getting his phone number afterwards. It had seemed like an entirely platonic thing to do, for it was obvious that Sherlock didn't suspect a thing, and yet all on the drive home John was smiling to himself joyously, for he was sure he had found the most beautiful and most available man in the world. And today he was coming over for Easter, for he had been over for dinner once or twice and had gotten very close with Rosie. She had hardly even known her mother, and so when John explained to Rosie that men could love other men and that he was in love with Mr. Sherlock, well she had just been ecstatic! It may have been a better gift than any the bunny had left in her basket, for now she had the promise of having now just one father, but two! And now she was in her little Easter dress, combing her hair and strapping on her little white sandals so as to look very good for when Mr. Sherlock arrived. She seemed to know that this was a special occasion, and that she wasn't supposed to mess it up.
"Now you know not to tell him, right? I'll tell him when I'm ready to." John said once more, tucking in the collar of his shirt and trying to decide if he needed a tie or not. He didn't want to look too formal, of course, and so he decided that maybe he just ought to put some bunny ears on his head so as to ensure Sherlock that this wasn't a serious event.
"Are you sure he loves you?" Rosie wondered from the mirror, looking over at where her father was now lighting a flower scented candle for the kitchen table, where he had already arranged some cookies and things. They had already eaten Easter dinner (a precooked ham that John had put in the oven just so that he could pull it out and announce that he had made it himself) and Sherlock was only coming over for the aftermath. John had arranged a sort of egg hunt for Rosie last night, when she had gone to bed. Of course she was under the impression that the Easter Bunny had left them, and so she kept going on and on about the treats he may have left her, and was also collecting some plastic bags so as to take samples of any droppings or tufts of fur he had left behind. She was a naturally curious child, she could never accept anything without proof, and so as a single father it was getting harder and harder to keep secrets hidden. She had already debunked the tooth fairy, for when she lost one of her molars she sat up all night with a flashlight, waiting for the 'fairy'. In the end all she had done was blinded her poor father, who had crept in after not hearing anything for a couple of minutes. She got about ten dollars that night, just because she had started to cry.
"I'm not sure; you see most people aren't accustomed to men falling in love with men. In some places it's actually illegal...but not here. Here it's perfectly fine; however it's not terribly normal. I'd be lucky if he loved me, and I'd be persistent if I made him come to love me." John decided with a dedicated little nod.
"Alright." Rosie agreed, obviously not understanding the complexity of this situation. John didn't have the heart to tell her that homosexuality was almost alien these days, no one even dared cross into that realm and if they did they were usually shunned. He knew that it was worth it, he knew that Sherlock and all that his love might entail was worth it, however there was of course that barrier of whether or not Sherlock shared the same feelings. He was beautiful, and to be quite honest he had many of the traits that would make anyone's gaydar start to twitch. He preened his hair, he dressed in fancy clothes even when going to the most meager of outings, and he spoke in large words and bat his eyelashes. This of course may just be the side effects of growing up in an esteemed household (though John knew nothing of his past) however Sherlock had mentioned that he listened to show tunes, which was also something of a sign in men. John was sure that this struggle would be much easier if he had been a woman, for at least then it would be socially acceptable to flat out ask if the feelings were mutual. However John had a plan, a good one at that, which included that little orange egg that sat on the window sill, one that was for Sherlock to open. The doorbell rang not five minutes later, causing Rosie to nearly lose her mind in excitement as she went running around, trying to answer it and let in her favorite awkward acquaintance.
"Mr. Sherlock!" she cried in excitement, running up to Sherlock and giving him a great big hug around the neck, like she did with most adults.
"Hello Rosie! Don't you look nice today?" Sherlock's voice said from the hall, making Sherlock go nearly numb as he tried to stay calm. Just that voice made him go nearly mad with infatuation, for every aspect of Sherlock Holmes was perfect! Not only his voice but his body, his hair, his clothes, posture, and personality! All of it was just the perfect package, someone that came along once in a lifetime, someone you had to grab onto like a squid so as to ensure their staying put for at least a little while. John couldn't let this man slip from his fingers, not if he didn't want to be alone.
"Sherlock!" John said happily, acting almost as if he was surprised to see the man in his doorway. Sherlock was looking dashing, wearing a simple purple buttoned down shirt with a black jacket and slacks, his usual outfit, dashing as always. He looked gorgeous, draped in the afternoon sun that was streaming in through the glass door. In his hand was clutched a bouquet of orchids, which of course was a good sign of the blossoming romance between the two of them.
"Mr. Watson, Happy Easter!" Sherlock said with a grin, for he was never daring enough to call John by his first name without prior instruction. He was always so formal, it was so enchanting!
"Happy Easter to you as well, beautiful day for it too." John said stupidly, however Sherlock nodded his head in agreement, as if he couldn't have asked for a better, sunnier day.
"I brought some flowers, I don't know if you've got a vase lying around but I just loved the colors, yellow and white always add a colorful flare to everyone's house." Sherlock said with a grin, making John nod for multiple reasons. Not only was Sherlock now bringing him flowers, but he was focusing on interior decorating as well...not necessarily a straight man's habit.
"Oh, wonderful Sherlock, wonderful! I think I've got a vase, back with all the old china in the formal dining room." John said with a nod, taking the flowers and going to search for a vase. He heard Rosie begin to go on about all the nice things she had in her Easter basket, like the stuffed animals he found at the Dollar Store as well as some lipsticks that had come in a little girl pamper package or whatever. John wasn't the best as knowing what his daughter wanted; in fact he had stood around Walmart for a good while wondering if it was a good idea to get her some action figures, just so that he could at least know where to start when playing with those. Will Dolls it was always changing their outfits and brushing their hair...well an hour in you haven't even started with the obnoxious voices and boyfriend storylines! John preferred actions figures, in which you pick out the biggest gun or sword and start killing each other. That was always a lot more fun for him. When finally the orchids were sitting on the table Rosie jumped up and down, grabbing her little Easter basket from the table and insisting that they go and find the eggs that had been scattered about the backyard.
"Sorry to be so hurried, I guess I'm not the one in charge here anyway." John teased; ruffling Rosie's newly combed hair before offering Sherlock some cookies before they went out and stood on the deck. Rosie went running about the small backyard, checking in the nooks and crannies of the covered deck furniture (still tarped to defend against the snow) as well as in the trees and birdbaths. John may have hidden the eggs unfairly, for some were hidden in rather obvious little piles of bricks or what not, and some were hidden in the shrubs where you'd have to dig to find them. Rosie frolicked about, however, while John chatted a bit awkwardly with Sherlock about whether or not they had gone to church or not. Sherlock claimed he wasn't religious, while John admitted he was just lazy, and together they mutually nodded in awkward satisfaction. No one knew what to do next, for Rosie had always been the one to ease the awkward silences, and now that she was gone it was just rather...tense? John had the orange egg in his pocket, wondering just how to approach Sherlock on the topic, while Sherlock just laughed at Rosie who was now trying to climb the oak tree to get an aerial view. John cleared his throat rather awkwardly, looking over at his beautiful companion and trying to think of a way to even go about approaching him. But his laugh, and his smile, well it deprived John of all common sense! It was only too tempting to just grab the egg from his pocket and start on this cheesy mission to get Sherlock's hand in his own for good.
"Did the Easter Bunny stop by your house?" John asked with a bit of a grin, to which Sherlock just shook his beautiful head.
"No, no I think he must've missed it." Sherlock admitted with a shrug. John nodded, that was precisely the answer he was hoping for.
"Well I think he um...I think he left something here for you then." John murmured, feeling his face grow quite hot as he took out the orange egg and held it out for Sherlock to take. The man chuckled a bit apprehensively, as if he didn't know whether this was supposed to be serious or merely a joke.
"Oh really?" Sherlock clarified, taking the egg from John's hand while the man just nodded nervously, wondering if this was a stupid idea after all. For a moment the two totally lost track of Rosie (who was currently up in the tree in her nice new white dress) and watched as Sherlock opened the orange egg. It wasn't chocolate, but a rolled up piece of paper, one that John had scribbled on just a couple of hours before?
"Dinner at Angelo's?" Sherlock read, blinking for a moment before looking over at John curiously. John was of course blushing like a madman, which might actually be his current mental state if he thought something as corny as an egg proposal was any good.
"Like a date?" Sherlock clarified with a blink, seeming quite unsure of what to say.
"Well not with the Easter bunny, of course...with me. But ya. I didn't know if you were, you know... into that." John murmured nervously. Sherlock nodded, clearing his throat before looking over at John with a bit of a reluctant glance.
"John I um...well I'm flattered by your offer." Sherlock muttered. "But I'm straight."


A/N: Just a little joke because of the convenience of Easter and April Fool's Day falling on the same day this year, don't you worry, I know very well that Sherlock is as straight as his hair. Have a happy Easter, and April Fools! Haha!

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