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" Gajeeeeel," I growl and slap his hand. It wasnt the best day for me, I had a shit load of work to do at the gulid and Gajeel wanted more. I help Mira-san but I also work. I do in fact have magic, just i never tend to use it. Its hard to control and sometimes things go a wee bit strange and awkward.

What magic? Oh, I have Memory Swipe. Strange name must I say.

Gajeel here wanted me to come on a job with him. I roll my eyes. He groans. "Look, y/n, I dont want to go with a moody, judgmental, no-fun, irrational, and down right annoying mage like you, but, guess what?" He slammed his fists on the table with a snarl, "Gramps said so".

I throw my head back and groan quietly. "I dont want to do this, but if Gramps says so, Ill go..." I put away a glass and wipe my hands on my jeans. I turn to him and fake a smile.

He starts walking. I jog to catch up. I wave goodbye to some friends and leave with Gajeel.

Time skip 2 hours
"Gajeel," i gasp, exhausted. I stop and put my hands on my knees. "Why are you in such a rush?" I was panting for air and Gajeel turns slowly, "I heard that there were some Dragons spotted in a nearby town," He continues to walk and I fall over. I was angry.

"Dragon? Are you serious?!" I yell. I prompt myself onto my knees. He gives me a side way glance. "What?" His voice low and husky. "Why am I here? Did Makarov even bloody say that I shuckin needed to be here?" I reply. He turns to face me. "Y/n, I know what sort of magic you use, I was wondering if you could use it on me?" I gasp.

"Why?!" I yell annoyed to the core.


"Thats not a legitimate answer, scrap metal!"

"I dont care!"

"I doooooo!!!!!"



His face drops after i yell out. I huff. "Im not using you. I want help," He says. "How the hell is that not using me?" I breath out.

"Because if you don't wanna help, I wont make you then," he turns to leave. I grab his shirt coat thing and stop him.

"Ill help, but why do you wanna use my magic?" I say suddenly, surprising myself.

"I wanna see if you can use it to help me bring back memories of Metalicana (oh my mavis is this wrong?)

My eyes widen, "Gajeel? Was a dragon even spotted?" He turns his head away.

"Fine, lets get this over and done with...." he nods about to speak when i hold up a finger to his lips.

"But, you know i will be seeing things you probably dont want to be seen, right?" He looks away horrified

My eyes widen and I frown, "Oh my gosh, do i even want to see anything in there?!" I wave my arms around, thinking the worst.

"Ahhhh, y/n, no"

"Whoops sorry... anyways," i say standing straight, coughing awkwardly.

I put on foot in front of the other. I put a hand out in front my me and shut my eyes. A bright white light consumes our vision. I open my eyes as the seem to glow white.

"Gajeel, I will be venturing through the capsels of your brain, I will see images of your past, I will see everything you have ever laid eyes upon... Do you still wish for me to continue?" I say in a somewhat deeper voice. I started to levitate and my h/c hair started to sprawl outwards slowly. "Make your decision hastily, or i wont be able to stop!" I sorta yell.

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