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*points at self shamefully*

It was me

oh this is pretty domestic btw no magic

Your POV
It was December 14th and the sound of Mariah Carey rang through my ears. I was walking through the town of Fiore, the streets were starting to look a whole lot more Christmas-y. People walking hand in hand, others setting up lights upon the roofs of their shops as I spot a family dragging a little girl as she dug her heels into the ground, her pink winter coat dancing in the wind, she was reaching out for the near toy shop, calling for the strange toy. Her brown pigtails bouncing as she threw her head back and screamed. I watched as the other brother - probably about 12 - started laughing.

I chuckles to myself and put my hands in pockets, subconsciously feeling for my phone because its the 21st century.

Now, you see, I hate Christmas.

Well, I dont exactly hate it, I just hate the whole "I am alone on Christmas again and I am 23 years old and this is why I hate myself" So, you see that is why I hate it.

 My eyes dance over the bright red fairy lights on a small café. I lift my eyebrows and shrug. I need a coffee.

I slip my hands into my pockets and walk over to the café. I opened the door as a soft bell sound went off. Inside it was warm and relaxing. I took off my navy coat and unbuttoned the top 2 buttons on my white shirt underneath that had been choking me all day. I run a hand through my h/c hair and eye a table in the corner right next to a large window that overlooked the area a bit.

Walking over and dropping onto the seat, I picked up the menu and glanced at it momentarily until a girl, with olive skin and bright brown eyes and wavy brown locks that reminded me of ocean waves, came up to me. She smelt of the ocean, but not in a disgusting way, more calming actually.

"Hello Sir, what can I get you?" Her voice was a bit low for a female and she took a pen out of her chest pocket.
"Uhm, could I get a cappuccino and... uh... a chocolate muffin?" I began, looking at the name tag, "Katie?" She smiled and wrote down my order before retreating to the kitchen.

(Okay yall, Katie is actually a character in an original bxb book im working on, so if I publish, you will hopefully be happy to see her here because this time, shes breathing :)

I waited patiently, looking outside every now and then at people passing by.

I saw another family and I frowned, turning away from the window just as my order was placed in front of me. She smiled and then left.

I sip on my coffee and read 'The Maze Runner' on my phone. I hear the door open and look over as a boy walks in, he looks at Katie and all I hear is, "Stop swimming before work," and some workers laughing and Katie's laugh echoed.

"Die, Liam."

I continue my book mentally groaning at the mention of Newt, my favorite character.

Time Skip has appeared

I look down at my watch, it was getting late, it was 9:58pm and some drunkards were wondering. I look out the window and laugh a little as a man, about my age, walks into a pole and starts slapping his chest.

Standing, I walk up and pay for my drink and muffin and wave to Katie as she smiled at me. The cafe was in the middle of closing and shut at 10:15pm.

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