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Thanks for the request egeriecz sorry this took so long and thanks to everyone who still stays with this crappy book.

Third POV
"Why doesn't she just fucking talk to me?" Laxus growled, the alcoholic concoction was already condensing in his tight grip and his blue eyes stared holes through the glass. Freed, who sat on the other side of the dark wooden bench, leaned forward, "You can always talk to me!" Freed's emerald eyes shone. Laxus cocked his eyebrow upwards, "No," he blatantly shut him down and stood up, the chair making a aloud scratching noise and Freed cringed.

Laxus walked off and Freed watched as his cape danced around in his strong movements, Freed groaned and slammed his head down onto the table. (RIP FREED MY OTP)

Meanwhile, Laxus was pacing, he was planning on asking out the guilds shyest member- Y/n l/n. But she was difficult, it was so hard to talk to her because all she does is look at her feet and mumble and it drives Laxus insane. Don't get him wrong, he loves her regardless but it's so sad that she doesn't have any confidence!

He knocked on the door of y/n residents and heard a shuffle of feet, then a light click and his breath was taken away from him.

There, in all her glory was y/n, her h/l was down and dropping with water, she had a pale pink bathrobe and f/c hand towel around her neck. She was short, compared to the massive mage, and it was prominent when she was merely 3 feet away from him. Her mouth was slightly agape and she blinked. She had some soft music playing in the back ground and there was steam coming from a slightly opened door.

Was she in the BATH?! Laxus blew a fuse and stuttered.

"Hello," her voice was soft and delicate and it made his heart melt. She had such control over him, he thought it was humorous.

"A-ah, Y/N!" He said, scratching his neck, she peered up at him, but her gaze fell and she looked outside and then behind her.

"Would you like to come inside? It's about to rain," she said softly, looking at her feet again, the hair sticking to her neck and Laxus almost died. She just said 10 words in a row! That's more than what he gets daily! He felt like jumping but kept his cool exterior. He nodded, sharp and he grumbled. She moved, light steps barely made a sound and Laxus walked in. Don't get him wrong, he's been in here before, just once before.

Y/n shut the door and kept her gaze down, staring at the wooden planks on the floor like they were telling her the secrets to the universe. Laxus watched as she walked to a room, shut the door quietly and Laxus stood there.

"What the fuck do I do now?!" He said aloud, looking at her furniture and books, that's a whole lotta books for one girl, he mused to himself. There were photo frames, a small girl with S/c skin and big, bright e/c eyes. Hair in low pigtails and Laxus froze when he went to touch a recent one, it was y/n, a big smile graced her features and he inwardly cooed.

The door opened to reveal his quiet beauty, her hair was brushed and she was wearing a white T shirt with '愛' along the back in hot pink, she had baby blue shorts on and white thigh highs. The shirt was too big for her, it was tied at the hip exposing her clean skin and Laxus wanted her pick her up and litter her with kisses. She went to the kitchen, not even looking at him and a couple of clings and clangs were heard and she returned with a sliver tray holding two cups, filled with cherry blossom tea.

He gently took the cup and said his thanks. She looked down and to the side, her hair covering half her face, only showing her pink lips quivering. Laxus took a sip of his drink and noticed.

"Hey, am I-uh- I can leave? Am I- yah know- scaring yo-" he started to stand when the quiet girls hand shot out and grasped his grey coat. She looked up, her face bright pink and her other hand quivered.

"No! Please don't go!" She spoke, loudly and clearly and Laxus felt his knees buckle.

He sat down, stared at her like a lifeline and finally spoke, "I'm so in love with you," and he hates himself for saying that. He wanted to tell her if she agreed to a date.

She looks down, then back at him and her lips are pulled tightly against her cheeks and she giggles and it takes every ounce of control for Laxus to not scoop her up and take her away. She shuffles closer, tight grip on her tea cup and the other on his biceps.

She leans into him, a muffled sound comes from her and it vibrates across his chest. He looks down, confused to tell the truth at this sudden change of mood.

Then, y/n, smiles.

"Me too"

8 months later
"I never thanked Juvia-san...." Y/N was hugging into Laxus' side as they watched TV from her house.

"Juvia? Water girl?" Laxus questions confused, and the girl hums, high pitched and sweet.

Laxus eyebrow raises, what the fuck does that mean? And then Y/n giggled and Laxus still can't help but coo at the sound.

"She made it rain, and for that, I'm forever grateful," she hums once again and Laxus stiffens, he remembers now.

He leans down and captures her soft lips within his own, chapped after years of hard work and y/n smiles. She pulls away, tries to stand to get the fruit basket when Laxus grabs her wrist firmly but gently and growls, low and husky.

"Hey now, don't stop kissing me!" He plants his lips on hers momentarily and she blushes and looks down, and then he whispers, "Dont be shy,"

The End

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