Binary tease

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It was a lovely day, the birds were singing, the sky was bright with the rays of the sun, and the messenger app you downloaded was freaking out, ahhhh... WAIT, WHAT?!
You look down at your phone and panicked, it was bugging the hell out!
'Ohmanohmanohman!' What was gunna happen now!
In the midst of your panicked state, your phone stops, and you receive a strange message from 'Unknown'
You pause for a moment, and respond. '?'

After exchanging a few texts, he sends you a picture of himself, and sends a link and address along with a code to a house.

Now. Your chatting with a group of extremely attractive people:) and now. It's show Time!

707/Luciel choi: how you start talking.

...'and that's how I ended up here...' you finally explained everything to the group, hoping you didn't sound like a turd.
707:'Ahhh... that makes sense now"
You sigh. At least he doesn't seem to wary of you.
Zen:'but still, didn't anyone ever tell a pretty lady to not talk to strangers? ;)'
Zen: >:0. Ehhhh?!
(Y/n) has left the chatroom
707: 'ROFLOL! Zen! Ur a kreep!'
707 has left the chatroom
Jumin Han: '.... I believe Elizabeth the 3rd wants her supper now, if you'll excuse me.'
Jumin Han has left the chatroom
Yoosung ⭐️: 'LOLOL IS CALLING ME!'
Yoosung ⭐️ has left the chatroom
Jaehee Kang: 'Have you heard anything about your next piece, Zen?'
Zen: 'unfortunately the director doesn't have anything planned right now, so it's a waiting game... oh... I should go work out, I should post a selfie ;) see ya~'
Jaehee Kang: 'Yes, then...goodbye '
Zen has left the chatroom
Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom

After you left the chatroom, you received some messages from everyone except Jumin and Jaehee
You pretty much just typed back some simple and nice replys thanking everyone for how they accepted you and started on dinner, you left the app open on your phone and played some music in Rika's apartment. While you were cooking, your phone started playing some obnoxious music you instantly recognized as the RFA theme. You picked it up, and the caller ID said 707. You were quite happy about it, and instantly answered.
"Hello agent 707! DEFENDER OF JUSTICE! God of Binary! I have a riddle for you!" You shout excitedly into your end. You heard a deep sexy chuckle on the other end.
"Ah! 707 DEFENDER OF JUSTICE can answer anything you give him!" Luciel shouted back. You both try to hold back your laughter but fail miserably.
Wiping your tear and trying not to forget about your food so it doesn't burn, you ask him,"110-000-011 & 111-000-111" you can hear him lightly suck in his breath and pause.
"It seems 707 is locking onto his future 606..." your face flushes a red just as bright as his hair.
"You're really cute when you're flustered..." his voice get deeper and softer.
Looking around you spot some cameras in the house, and decide to hunt them all down, and wave at them 1 by 1.
"Hey Luciel?" You say
" how many cameras are in the apartment?"
"There are 7 of them." He says.
"Only 7?" You say in a somewhat flirty tone.
He laughs on the other end, and you begin to hunt them all down. Finally you wave to the last one.
"Happy now?" He asks you.
"Well, I'd like to chat more, but miss Vanderwood will be pissed if I don't do something soon." He says
You were about to hang up, but before you do, you look straight into a CCTV camera, and grin.
"...(y/n)? What's up?" He asks.
"I could always give you a private show if your ever miserable at work..." you wink at the the camera before hanging up immediately, sauntering back to the kitchen to eat. You can only imagine how his face looks right now.

I just got your messages (a MysticMessenger boyfriend scenario)Where stories live. Discover now