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Saeyoung/ 707

Its been quite hectic the last few days. Everyone has been recommending party guests like crazy, and you were getting wore out from all of the planning you had to do.
But, a certain redhead made you feel better. Luciel. He would call at the most random times, just to tell you ridiculous things, or to ask what it was you were doing. He could see you on the CCTV screens, and was always watching, but he did try to give you privacy.
You two had gotten into a routine. You knew when he would call, so you always had the messenger open around those times.
And now was no different.

'I just got your messages!~'

You heard the messenger ringtone and picked up immediately. You loved the theme Luciel had made for the app, it was a cute song.

"Heya, (y/n)!" You immediately heard Luciel on the other end.

"Hey hey hey, handsome!" You loved to mess with each other, and flirting always helped get you two laughing.

"Whuuut! Well thx lil Bebe!" He was the worst. You couldn't help but laugh at the way he said it, and you were dying on the inside.

"Alright, Red. Now, what did you want to pester me about this time?"

"Well, god 707 knows how bored you are. So! Why don't I get you out of Rika's apartment today?" Said Luciel.

"Can you do that? What about V?" You didn't think you could leave the house. You were toils you COULDN'T.

"I've already talked to V, and he said as long as I'm with you, there's no problem." You were shocked. You. Leaving the house. WITH LUCIEL?!

"Uhhh.... sure, I'd actually love to get out..." you were of course, but it didn't help the fact that you were MAJOR crushing on this dude.

You two hung up after trying to decide where to go, but you didn't really settle on a place.

Now you were in front of Rika's huge, old closet. Out of everything you had to pick from, nothing was casual. It was all very dressy and fancy, completely different from your taste.

You ended up settling on a nice summer dress. It went to you knees, and was very light and flowy. It was a baby blue with small darker blue stripes, and the sleeves and chest were of a white cotton material, there was white lace trim on the sleeves and neckline. The sleeves went to you wrists, and buttoned.

It was really pretty, and you wanted to look cute. You put a light blue headband on, and left the rest of your hair down. You just put on a pair or black ballet flats, and called it good.

Soon enough, you heard to door buzzer, followed by a knock.

You went to the door, and looked to see who it was, fully aware it was going to be the attractive redhead. And you were right.

He was wearing a darker blue shirt, and he had different glasses on today.

You stepped aside, and let him him.

"Hello...." you were suddenly self conscious of what you were wearing. You thought about going and changing, before he had time to comment.
    "Damn..." you turned back just in time to see him turn as red as a fire truck. You snicker to yourself while sashaying back to him and then out the door.
    "So red, where to?~" you winked and leaned against the hood of his car.
    Unfortunately you were just so hot that he had an instant nose bleed. Ops!

    Jumin Han

    You were FINALLY off of work (or school or whatever.) and you were going to relax. But there was one problem....
   Piles of laundry to do. So sad. Your going to the dungeon. Goodbye darlings.
    Piles of your clothes were everywhere, but just looking at it all made you feel tired.
    You looked down at yourself and grimaced. Your pants were worn and your shirt was wrinkled. You really wanted to go out for a walk again though.
    After endless searching, you realized the only clothes in your drawer and closet were nicer one your early wore.
I'm a girl though, so I can dress as cute as want. Even if it's for a walk! You thought to yourself.
    You grabbed a nice long sleeve white v-neck and a height waisted black skirt with buttons on the front. You also put a pair of thigh high black stockings on and a nicer pair of comfortable black ankle boots on. You looked really cute actually, and you felt good.
    You grabbed your phone and purse then headed back out.
    You were walking around the wealthy part of town, where you resided. You could see the C&R building from where you lived, and you always wondered which floor Jumin would be on. You made it into a sort of game, and guessed. You were curious on what the building looked like on the inside, and before you knew it, you were heading in that direction.
    You were halfway there when you heard someone call your name.
    You looked around, only to find Jumin.
    He was very casual today. He wore a pair of black dress pants and a vertically striped blue button up dress shirt. He wore a plain grey pull over vest on top. The whole look really complemented his appearance, especially his eyes.
    He was smiling at you as he walked your way.
    "Hello, Jumin. It's a lovely day isn't it?" You asked. You were trying to make small talk to hide your awkwardness.
    "Hello, (y/n). And it really is, I'm glad to see you out." He came up to you and you both started walking, he immediately offered his arm. You took it, and tried hiding the red that showed on your face at his gesture.
    "You look very nice today, (y/n). Did you plan to go anywhere else today?" He asked.
    "No, I just needed to get away from the house for a bit, I didn't really feel like doing any house work right now. And thank you, you look quite nice as well, blue really suits you." He smiled a little, and if you weren't mistaken, you thought he had a blush. This only made you want to swoon more than you already did. And not to mention he was actually quite built. You weren't expecting him to be as fit as he was, he really didn't look it.
    All in all it was a nice day. And to be honest, now you were happy you didn't have anything but this to wear.

I just got your messages (a MysticMessenger boyfriend scenario)Where stories live. Discover now