Vanderwood (intro chapter)

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    With everything that had been happening with the hacker, it was a bit surprising to actually meet someone you liked.
    At first he was a bit cold and bossy, especially to 707. But after Luciel explained to Vanderwood why you were at 707's home in the first place, he seemed to calm down.
     Vanderwood was actually quite attractive, which was nice. At least you'd have some eye candy while waiting for things to blow over.
    He was quite a bit taller than Luciel, and had shoulder length chestnut brown hair, and eyes to match. He has a little on the built side, too. And damn did he look good in black.
    "Do you need any help, Mr.Vanderwood?"  You had been sitting in the living room, just waiting. 707 ignored you, and you were to shy to talk to Vanderwood. You decided to ask him if he needed help cleaning Luciel's house.
    "Actually, That'd be really nice. How does he even live like this? God. I should tazer him." Vanderwood said while rubbing his temples.
    You laughed lightly, and began to help pick up the empty cans of Dr.Pepper and bags of chips. Afterwards, you dusted and then helped vacuum.
    "That was much faster than me doing it alone, thanks." You nodded and smiled at him. His face turned red and he went to check on seven.
    Moments later, you hear yelling and then the words tazer. You knew that Vanderwood was getting onto seven, and you thought it best to go and get him away from Luciel.
    "Vanderwood? Would you help me with something?" You peeked into the hackers computer room, and asked sweetly.
    He turned around and let out a big sigh.
   "Just get it done, Luciel." And with that Vanderwood left the room.
    Seven looked at you, and you gave him a thumbs up before walking away, knowing the redhead was great full for the distraction.
    "What did you need, (y/n)?" Vanderwood asked, still slightly irritated.
    "I don't know about you, but I'm tired of chips, Soda, and sandwiches. I was going to ask if you wanted to help me make actual food?" You said while gathering several different ingredients.
    "Alright, give me a minute." He said while walking to a back room.  He came back wearing more relaxed clothes. His hair was still down, and he had a pair of dark tight fitted jeans and a regular tight fitted black T-shirt. He looked FINE.
    Maybe you could imagine eating more than just food tonight. You let your mind wander about how his arms would feel wrapped around you, and his toned chest pressed against you. Not realizing you were staring and drooling, he walked up to you. He slowly wiped at the corner of your mouth.
    "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll have to use something stronger than my tazer or punish you." He said with a smirk. He turned around and grabbed two aprons. You were trying hard to focus on cooking, but it seemed like he was teasing you the whole time. He would lightly brush his arm or hand on YOUR as you passed stuff to each other, or he would 'reach' around you, causing his body to press against the length of yours. And he was just as delicious as you had thought. Lord you needed Jesus. Little did you both know, a certain redhead was enjoying the scene.

Sorry it's a little shorter, I'm already running out of ideas. Anyway, this is introducing Vanderwood along with the wild flirting and all the other ones but there all combined

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