Chapter One||Rewritten

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He was a mystery, unwilling to be solved.


I believe in a mighty God that places us in situations we can't handle, so that we can learn who is in control.

I ran through the empty corridors with one thought on my mind. 'Jesus, I promise to never ever complain about doing dishes again if you allow me to get into class without Mrs Berlinda seeing.' I repeated the mini prayer all the way to my history class. Don't bother asking me why I took history. I honestly don't know. Each day we would have a hour long class of history. And I happened to be twenty minutes late for the class.

With all of my non-existent strength I raced to the door of my class. My fingers quaked as I reached out for the doorknob. This is the fourth time I'm late this month(only counting history class).

With my eyes shut and a burst of faith I opened the door. Immediately I felt more than thirty pairs of eyes on me including Mrs. Berlinda. That was not a good sign. Public embarrassment is another thing I'm quite prone to. I'm hoping God will erase it with his perfect love.

Mrs Berlinda, my history teacher, hated students being late, she also had a disliking for me. Which I could never understand. I considered myself hard-working and a sincere student. Yet I could tell that it didn't persuade her.

I, Theia Lawson, am always late. Yes, God is still delivering me from this sin. Trust me, it's difficult. I'm late to every event you can think of, it started since the day I was born. I came out of the womb three days late.

Jesus set the example.

"Mrs Berlinda, I promise this is the very last time I'm late. I swear." I put on my puppy dog eyes. Hoping that my chocolate swirls would change her mind. She gave me an exasperated sigh and with a disappointed shake of her head she ushered me to my seat.

"Thank you Jesus," I muttered between breathes as I made my way to my seat. The furthest corner from Mrs Berlinda. It was all sunflowers and rose petals until some of the jocks made it there absolute mission to try and get me to trip. I dodged every strategically planted foot and made sure to give each of them a pearly smile. The popular cliches of our high school were never fond of me. I couldn't be bothered yet moments like this test my patience. I smile it all away hoping that my showcase of kindness might change their attitude towards me.

My racing heart accelerated once my eyes landed on a girl seated in my seat. She glanced up at me and must have connected the dots. "Sorry," I heard her whisper in soft voice. I gave another smile. That was an honest mistake. My own fault for being late.

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