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*Ok guys normally I would not post back to back chapters, buuut.... Since I got a vote and a comment in like less than an hour; I am.... I'm also giving a shout out to my very first reader and commenter brokenHartist, thank you so much for your vote and comment. You have no idea how much it means to me!😁

Now that I got all that out of they let's get back to the story (eye wiggle) 😆

As always I hope you enjoy!!

I was running but this time I was in the woods and my father not far behind. Instead of running from danger I was running to it. I could smell it before anything else. The smell of wood burning. Next I could hear it the screams of agony and terror. The loud war cries from the invaders. Then we bursted out of the brush and then everything went black

I jerked a wake from my nightmare. I was doused in sweat and breathing as if I just ran a mile. I looked outside the sky was a dark midnight blue. I had maybe an hour before the rays of the sun peaked over the tree tops.

With a sigh and great protest from my sore muscles I got out of my warm bed and made my way to the washroom. I washed off and got dressed in a dark brown long sleeve dress. It was very simple and followed my curves just right.

I went straight to work I scrubbed my clothes from travel clean and hung them out to dry. I then went to my pack and unloaded everything. I had furs galore to trade and sell. I had enough meat to last me till spring, but I will make a winter hunt for furs and extra money.

I bundled my furs and prepared them to take to the market today. Which should be opening up in half and hour. I went through my cupboards and put the meats away and made a mental list everything I need.

For once I was excited to go to the market. I saved enough money to buy all my supplies I need and maybe a early birthday gift. I was switching between a new hunter out fit or another more elegant dress. Don't get me wrong I am a hunter and I love doing boy things but I'm also still a girl. I like dresses...I just don't like the ones where you look like a blueberry stuffed in a straw. It just wasn't me and never will be.

I peeked out my window and saw the sun was high enough in the sky the market should be crowded by now. I went to my room grabbed my cloak and my money purse. Then went through the kitchen and grabbed my furs and began my way to the trader.

I have went about a block when I felt something looking at me. I stopped and turned to look for the culprit, but I saw nothing. There was no one not a soul. I tried to shrug it off, bit that feeling just stayed and nagged at me with out end.

I finally made it to the trader. I went in and went straight to the counter. I could hear jack in the back rummaging around for something. So, I waited patiently for him to come back to  the front. As I waited I took in my surroundings.

His shelves were stuffed full of all kinds of necessities like flour, sugar, beans, and other things. In the center was tools of all sorts along with barrels of seed and wine.

"Sorry about that. I didn't here you come in" he said

I jumped slightly at his sudden appearance "oh, no trouble. For once I'm in no hurry today."

"So, wha' ya bring me this time?"

"Well I brought you plenty to choose from. I have six coons, three foxes one red, two deer, and one black wolf." I said with confidence. "And I have a surprise too but you will have to look and see" I added with a devilish grin.

"Well then let's hav' a look see." I hauled the large bundle up on too the counter for him to go through. He started picking it apart immediately with great interest. I always left the best for last and made him figure it out.

He pulled out the coons, the foxes, the deer, the wolf, and then he gasped. "Is that what I think it is?" He whispered in awe.

Me being me "I don't know what do you think it is?"

He unfolded it and sucked in more air. He looked at me with shook and wonder "do not play games with me, Aurora. Is this real?"

I smiled at his seriousness "yes it real. Now answer the question."

"Please tell me this is not a saber?" He whispered. Sabers went extinct along time ago and then some natural and unnatural disasters destroyed the world and sent us back to the stone ages  from what I could learned in my father's library. But that was many hundreds of years ago.

I smiled "yes it is, I got that the last night of my hunting trip."

He just stared at me with shock and wonder "you are either very brave girl no woman or very stupid. I haven't decided yet."

I smiled "Jack I will take that as a compliment, now down to business, what can you give me?"

"Well, Wha' ya need for winter?"

I gave him my list and he looked it over and began to gather my supplies. He layed it all out on the counter and we began our normal haggling. By the time I left I had all my supplies and enough money to buy two dresses. I was ecstatic. I left the trader and went straight to the seamstress. I bought a dress and asked for another hunters out fit. With that I bid her good day and headed home. On my way that feeling crept back into the front of my mind. I stay alert all that way home but yet again I never saw anything or anyone.

I entered my home and began to make a stew for tonight and finished the rest of my chores all the while feeling like someone was watching me from a far, but I ignored and continued my work and stayed poised for anything.

*I hoped that you enjoyed it please vote and comment. I always love to know what you think and if I need to correct anything*

*Thank you for reading and participating. It is highly appreciated*

*This is what I see as her dress*

*This is what I see as her dress*

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