First day

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♥Lizzie's POV♥

I heard the alarm,took a shower,brush my teeth get ready for school and I wore my cat sweater,ripped jeans and pink sneakers and ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.

I said bye to my mom and dad and hug them before going to school.

10 minutes later....

Made it to school and someone said hi to me:

L:Umm Hi
?:My name is Yammy what's your name?
L:My name is Lizzie
Y:So,you're new here right?
L:Yep,so can show me around?
Y:Of course,actually just call me Yams.

After Yammy show me around the school, it's Class time and Yammy is in this class to.

I introduced myself to my classmates and I said"Hi my name is Lizzie Shadow but prefer Lizzie and I love playing games and do youtube video's"
I sat next to Yammy and a girl called Tiffany she said she likes playing games too.

30 minutes later


Yammy introduced me to her friends to me,
Their names was Sasha,Stacy and Joey. Obviously I know Tiffany and Joey seems cute.

At lunch we sat down outside the cafeteria since it was a nice weather.

After lunch,

It's classtime,

Now I'm here with Sasha at Maths class. I saw this guy staring at Sasha, I think his name is Jack. I tell Sasha that he's staring at her and she started to blush.

After Class,

Well Yammy and I walked home together since her house is across mine.


Hopefully you enjoy this story
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Luv u all :3

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