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Ahhh it's a Sunday morning and it means Youtube video time!!!!

I checked the chat and everyone wants to play Trollcraft, it's like crazy craft but more mobs and different types of weapons and stuff.

I joined the server and I started the basics and I just build a small hut to live in.After I built the hut I started to find some materials for my new house,of course it's going to be pink.

I checked everyone's houses and Joey's house is big,because he knows all lot about these things.I check out Sasha's house and it's a gingerbread house.I remember that you can get trophies by killing mobs and I want that.I checked Jack's house and its green like his hair I checked jack's backyard and he is building his green and blue eye thingy.Stacy's house is blue and full of dogs.Graser's house is a robot house . It's just me,Yammy ,Tiffany,Lauren,Mario who has a hut house accept for Lauren she has a big pink hut.

A few minutes later,

Just a few more minutes and done!
I posted the video,
and I checked the others videos and it was awesome.
I heard the door bell and it was Joey,
He said that my video is cool and I said thanks and I gave him a kiss and I noticed that he brought a dog called wolf and the dog ran inside the house and he was playing with my cat buddy,it was so cute then we giggled. Then Sasha and Jack came to my house and we were talking about the video we all posted.

I hope you guys enjoy this part,let me know if you want me to add Markiplier or Joel let me know and BYEEE!! :)


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