2-a little too deep

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DAMN... shits about to get deep! if you're like me, then you will want the drama. Umm, last time I forgot to write the warning, and Kageyama found Hinata reading it and got pissed at me, so just so little shouyo- chan doesn't read something too mature for his innocent little self; CONTAINS: SELF-HARM, YAOI, AND MAY CONTAIN LEMON/SMUT!!! There. Happy kageyama?! now, on with the story!

-Author chan


Yuuri had lost a lot of weight, he barely ate, and spent all his time training, skating, exercising, or watching videos of his failures and others successes. and he had picked up a bad habit. If you looked closely at his arm when he reached up, you could see a pink scar, freshly healed. He almost always was on the ice now, wearing a jacket though, so no one really knew.

Meanwhile, Victor was in the taxi, on his way to the Katsuki hot springs. He stepped out for the taxi, payed the driver, and admired the Japanese design before walking in.

Yuuri's point of view
    I skate, or acting my toe loops and copying difficult routines. I feel tired and kind of dizzy, and I fall sometimes because of that. I'm still fat though. All I want to do is lose some weight, why is his making that so hard to do?! I began cutting a little, too. My mind feels so full all the time it's as if it is going to explode, but for some reason, every time I cut the pressure in my head stop sand becomes a more bearable pain on the inside of my wrist. I actually like seeing the blood, it's different from the blue and white of the ice I see everyday, it a warm colour. I get my bag and pit my skates in it, and then, making sure no one is looking, I take the blade I carry with me all the time now, and make give cuts, deep enough I draw blood. I shove the blade back into the bag and stare at the blood blooming from the small cuts and walk out, ready to go home. It's 11 o'clock already, so no one should be awake unless there are guests, so when I get there, I silently walk in. I zone out and manage to get to my room. 

        I hear a bark, similar to vicchan's, who had passed away. It's just my imagination, right. Poor little guy, I actually loved him.   I wish I had been there for him. So I just walk into the darkness of my room, close the door, throw the bag onto the floor, and flop onto the bed, mourning my beloved vicchan. He was named after Victor Nikiforofu, and I had adopted Vicchan after I had seen Victor also a dog like him. I fall asleep with memories of vicchan.

          Third person

          Victor wakes up, and once he realizes where he is, he sits up, and runs a hand through his hair, and then flops back down, with his eyes closed, as if he is sleeping. Yuri come's down the stairs a few moments after that, and see's Victors companion, and then victor himself. "what? Is that Victor? am I dreaming?" he mumbles. Victor tries to stifle his laughter, but tehn pops up, opening his eyes.

          "Hi!  yuuri,starting today, I'm your coach. I'll make you win the Grand Prix Final!" he shouts.

    Victors point of view

          Wasn't Yuuri quite chubby the last time I saw him? I narrow my eyes, and study him. He looks like he has lost weight. Lost a lot  of weight. It seems unhealthy. "So yuuri, While I get dressed, why don't you eat breakfast?  we'll have to practice immediately if we want you to win, right?" I say, grinning.

          "Umm... I have to do something," he mumbles, looking at the floor. I frown. He's dressed in a sweat suit. What's he going to do? Go out to practice? To work out? I'll have to follow him.

          "okay, then! I'll see you later! be sure to keep your schedule free!" I chirp, and he walks away and out the door, not looking back.

-time skip-

   Still victor's point of view

          I walk out the door, I already asked Yuuri's mother where Yuuri was, and she had frowned, telling me that he barely came home during the day, and was probably at the rink, gym, or running.

          I think he's been doing hardcore training, and that'd one of the most unhealthy things he can do. I'm pretty sure he didn't eat this morning, and that he came home pretty late last night, since I heard him. I go to the rink, first, and lucky me, I hear the sound of blades against ice. the rink is empty, but Yuuri probably has a key. The door is unlocked, so I quietly let ,myself In and admire the view from a hidden distance. He's pretty good, and if his warm up has such good skills, I can only imagine how he will skate if e is trained properly. I move closer, and I can clearly see him. He's not wearing the sweat suit now, having exchanged it for lighter clothes, That's when I see his body properly.

Oooh, a cliffy. I  hope you people like this. I know where to go with this story now, but If you would tell me how to make it better, that would be great. I don't know when I am going to update next, but I hope it will be soon. I might publish one long chapter or two short chapters a week, depending on the part of the story. I swear though, yuri on ice is the only thing that gets me through high school now.  I hope there's a season three of Noragami, too. Anyways, all comments are appreciated, constructive or positive. Hope you read the next chapter, too!

           -author chan❤

PS: next week i'm publishing two long chapters. keep reading! ;)

on ice we glide (yuri on ice fanfiction- self harm, yaoi)COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang