10- crystal tears

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A/N: I guess some of you must have been like "omg, is my cute little pork cutlet bowl okay?! Is my silver haired God alright?!" My answer to you is... No. Because I am a sadistic freak who lives for yaoi, angst, and angsty yaoi.

Viktors point of view
          I wake up with a start, and abruptly rush to sit up, but I can't. I look at myself and my surroundings b.  I'm in a hospital. It seems as if I have broken a few ribs, telling from the bandages wrappedc around my chest and my arm must have been broken or dislocated, I conclude, studying the cast. A nurse walks into the room, looks at me, and rushes back out. A few minutes later, she comes back in with a doctor, in his coat.
          "Okay son,Do you know your name?" The doctor asks me.
          "I'm Viktor Nikiforov," I tell him. "Where's yuuri?" I ask.
           "Being his fiancé, you can get information about him. He's recovering from surgery right now."
          "What do you mean? How bad is his condition? What happened?" I frantically ask.
          "Calm down, mr. Nikiforov. Yuuri Katsuki had large pieces of glass go through his throat and many fractured and broken bones. If you want, you can see him. He should be waking up soon and he'll be asking about you," the doctor informs me.
         "Please take me to him," I plead. The doctor makes the nurse go fetch a wheelchair, and once I'm seated in it I'm rolled to another room by the doctor, with the nurse close behind. The room is identical to the knee was previously in. And there lies yuuri. He's hooked to heart monitors and an iv. "I'll leave you alone with your fiancé then, mr. Nikiforov," the doctor says, backing out of the room.
          I stare at yuuri for a few seconds and then push my wheelchair closer to yuuri so I can be right next to his face. "Yuuri," I whisper. "Wake up soon. Don't leave me for as long as we are alive," I plead to his still form. I gaze at him whispering sweet Nothings until I drift to sleep next to him.

Strangers pov
          It's all over the new. The man I hired to get yuuri and Viktor killed barely injured them. I grimace. "Until next time, Vik-chan," I say

A/N: yoooo, people actually read this story and I'm so glad. I started this as a method to kill time and a plug for my angsty side but wow. People actually like this. I love you all so much and hope u keep reading

I know this chapter was short but I d cider to keep this one shirt and update is now otherwise. It would take longer.

on ice we glide (yuri on ice fanfiction- self harm, yaoi)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now