9-after silver

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This takes place after the results are announced, and all positions will be the same as in the anime. So yuuri is still a silver medallist.

Yuuri's point of view
I didn't win gold. I promised Viktor that I would win gold, so why do I have silver around my neck. Yurio won gold. He's younger than me. I'm pathetic. I'm stupid. I'm weak. I'm useless.
I sigh, and head over to Viktor. He looks concerned. "Yuuri, you didn't get gold," he says, teasingly, but it hurts, knowing that he believed in me and that I let him down.
"I know," I whisper, and Viktor holds his arms out. I collapse into them, and I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. Fortunately, I managed to hold the rest of them back. He wraps his arms around me and I'm engulfed in his warm embrace. "I'll win gold. Just give me another chance, I promise I'll win gold," I plead.
"Okay yuuri, but I'm gonna have to warn you, you're gonna be up against some pretty tough competition next time, " looking down and winking. "You're going to have to compete against me."
I look up at him and crack a smile. "Let's go sightseeing today, our flight back to Japan is tomorrow," Viktor suggests, and I nod in agreement.
"Let's do that," I say. And we head off outside, sneaking away before we might be dragged to the after party. Viktor gets in the drivers side, and I sit next to him in the passenger side of his icy blue Lambo. He said he had it custom made. He turn the keys and we pull out of the driveway.
"So, where are we going?"I ask.
"I wanna show you my favourite Cafe. I always used to go there when I failed a competition. I actually went there whenever I wanted, but i always went to recover from loss there. They even invented a menu item after me. It's called viktors icy hot chocolate, and it's a white hot chocolate with sugar cookie, candy canes, and blue coloured sugar. You have to try it, yuuri! You'll love it!" Viktor enthusiastically says while driving.
"Sure," I say smiling, Viktor turns to look at me. "Viktor, keep your eyes on the road," I whine.
"And miss your beautiful smile? Never," he teases. I look out at the road from the corner of my eye.
"WHAT THE HELL!!! VIKTOR, MOVE INTO THE OTHER LANE! ITS COMING FOR US!" I yell quickly. Viktor's caught off guard, his eyes widen and he hesitates, freezing for a second, but it's too late. I brace for impact, and hear a band before I feel my head hit something hard and everything fades out, leaving me in an abyss of black.

Viktor's point of view
The car rolled over, but my seatbelt kept me in place, and other than my arms hurting, I think I'm fine. I look towards yuuri, and begin to hyperventilate. His side took the impact. He has shards of glass and blood all over him, and he's unconscious. I know he's alive by the ragged breaths he takes, but I'm not sure if he's fine. I reach Into my pocket with my good arm and pull out my phone, and dial the EMS.
          "EMS, please describe your situation," the operator says. I begin to spit out words, hyperventilating.
          "H-he, he's bleeding. I d-d-don't know if he's okay. He's breathing, is be alright? Please, send an ambulance," I manage to say before the operator cuts in.
          "Okay sir, I've sent your location the the police and ambulance. I need you to stay calm, can you do that for me?"
         "Yes, I'm sorry,
          "Can you please explain what exactly happened and the condition of yourself and any other victims? Do you know where the vehicle that hot you is?" The operator asks. I tell her everything, how the truck swerved into our lane, how I couldn't turn, how I can't see the truck because of the position the car was. I can feel myself loosing consciousness.
          "I'm blacking out," I tell the operator.
          "Sir, I need you to stay awake. The ambulance should arrive any minute now, so please stay awake."
          I check on yuuri,barely awake myself, and when I hear sirens,I give in,  stop fighting, and let myself drift away.

A/N: I hope you people love reading this as much as I love writing it.

on ice we glide (yuri on ice fanfiction- self harm, yaoi)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now