Authors note

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Ugh!!!! Author is getting bored boys and girls. So I am thinking of making a bonus chapter. But please I need to know what you would like. I would love to have feedback on my stories from you guys. The best thing a future author is learning from their readers what their mistakes are.

Now to talk about a few more chapters before the next movie. Yes I was having some ideas that I'm not so sure about. So I would love for comments.

Anyway the idea is this. Serenity starts to live her life as not only an author but also a carrier on YouTube. The humans usually call if they ever have a problem and Serenity, well she has the autobots living in her basement. She is an actress as well and has enough money to have a huge mansion with a secret basement. And later on the line she can learn how to revive dead autobots. Maybe?
I'm not sure. It's your choice readers!!!

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