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Sakura POV
Sakura was at Konoha Hospital because she been feeling sick and having crazy cravings.

Tsunade: "Good afternoon Sakura why are you here."

Sakura: "Lady Tsunade I missed you."
she said happily

Tsunade: "Sakura I missed you to."

Sakura was wearing a light  pink dress with cherry bloosms on it. She had her pink hair down is very long with a headband on was mint green just like her eye perfect to together.

Tsunade: "Well lets have your check up."

Sakura: "Okay than"  * blaa she just
vomited on the floor*.

Tsunade: "Sakura are you okay?"

Sakura: yeah great.

They both walk in the room for Sakura check up.

Tsunade: " Have a seat."

Sakura sat on the the dark green doctor bed the room was white with the doctor materials.

Tsunade: "Sakura have you been in any activites lately?"

Sakura: "Like what?"

Tsunade: "YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR 23 YEAR OLD AND MARRIED!" said yelling at Sakura

Sakura: blushing like a tomato "If you talking about that maybe."

Tsunade:YES "OR NO ANSWER SAKURA" said still yelling and mad I mean Pissed


Tsunade:" Sakura !!!"

Sakura:"Yes Lady Tsunade." Said calmly

Tsunade: "Lets Check."

Sakura: "Check What?" said yelling


Tsunade: "SAKURA!!!!" Said pissed

Tsunade was about to kick Sakura but stopped.

Sakura: "Why did you stop?"

Tsunade: "That check up."

She had her materials

Sakura: "Lady Tsunade I'm sorry." Said nervously

Tsunade: "Sakura put up your shirt up please."

Sakura: "Why?"

Tsunade: "Because the check up."

Tsunade: 'Lady Tsunade why do you have pregnancy stuff ?"

Tsunade: "This stuff is for your check up."

Sakura: "You think I'm ..."

Tsunade:"Yes pregnant."

Sakura lifted up her shirt it was a little round.

Sakura: "Where is my Six-pack."

Tsunade: "Did you even have one?"

Sakura: "I sure did."

Tsunade put light blue jell on Sakura belly and rub it with a white stick. Sakura eye wided on the black scene.

Sakura: "That is m-."

Tsunade: "Yes your baby and Itachi or should I say babies."

Sakura is crying with joy Sakura inner self* Wow

Tsunade: "I'm going to be a grandma!" said yelling with joy

Sakura: "I have to tell Itachi OMG OMG"

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