Chapter 10

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Sakura and Karui finish their meals. The babies kept asking for more and more and more until they were full. Sakura cleaned up the table and stated washing dishes. Karui relaxed tomorrow I her clean up day yay

Sakura:" That was good the babies sure enjoyed it."

Karui:" Thanks but we all know you are a better cook Sakura. You are just being nice."

Sakura:"So what you still can cook it was yummy!" She said laughing.

Karui:"Well I take a shower now it has been a long day."

Sakura:"Okay relax then!" She yelled that while laughing.

Karui:"Whatever Sakura!" She yelled laughing

Karui got her things for the her hot bath. Her skin treatment her shampoo nightwear everything she needed. Sakura was finishing cleaning up when she heard Karui singing. It brought back memories of their highschool days. How they ment she punched Naruto Sakura felt sorry for the punch Karui gave.

3rd POV
Everyone was getting to school  for once because of homecoming it was Itachi and deidara last year. We want every moment to be a blast. What they are 200s kids who could blame them. They were so excited for this.

Sakura POV

How did everyone along she though even year has been great. The bullying has stopped Into and Sakura are getting close again. She made new friends got a amazing boyfriend. Naruto is getting better grades. Sasori is becoming the best vet ever so. Everything was great in my life is great right now.

Itachi:"Sakura! Sakura! Cherry!"

Sakura"Yeah Itachi I am here!"

Itachi"I GOT IN I GOT IN!! He had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face he ran up to me jumping and yelling he barely even smilies.

Sakura:"Huh what babe?" I was a little confused what he meant.

Itachi:" I GOT INTO HARDVARD!! He picked me but in the middle if the hall and he kissed me. Of course being me I kissed we had a full out make out session. Classmate mates were even watching. "Maybe we should not be making out in the halls."

Sakura:"We sure will. I am so happy congrats we will celebrate at home and maybe will save that treat later.

Itachi was scarlet at what Sakura relied.

FIMALLY I created a chapter I was going to post it ten days ago but it was too short hope you enjoy it and sorry for an almost year delayIt was my birthday week so my friends and family spoiled me sorry. Hopefully chapter 11_ will  come soonAnd I have been doing a lot of voltron things


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