Itachi's Dream chapter6

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Itachi saw a young teen pink haired girl and bright green eyes crying on the stoned floor. He happened to be having a walk and her crying annoy him a lot. He walk up to her and tealed down to yell in her face.

Itachi:" Stop crying cry to your boyfriend or something. Because your crying little voice is annoying. I bet South America can hear it." Said while laughing

Pink haired girl : "Shut the f#$k up. Just leave me alone." She said looking down to the hard floor.

Itachi: " Did your boyfriend dump you or something?"said still laughing

Pink haired girl:"No close he cheated on me twice with the girl who bullies me for my hair color and bullies me because my parents were killed. She beats me too." Shows Itachi a buise and some cuts on the back of her neck.

Itachi: "Are you okay?"yelling

Pink haired girl:"Yeah It will heal." Said calmly

Itachi: "mentally." said yelling and but also concerned

Pink haired girl:"I will be fine, it not like it the first time."said calmly

Itachi: "Are you sure your okay?" Said still concerned

Pink haired girl:"Yeah they are just jealous of me."said proud of herself

Itachi: "Big ego you got." Said laughing

Pink haired girl: "Hey I got it from my mother that what my big brothers tell me."said sadly

Itachi: "What do you mean?

Itachi got tired of standing so he sat next to her. To listen to her. He looked at her mint green eyes he could look at them forever.

Pink haired girl : "My father was form Suna while my mother was from here. They dated in secret he was very popular with the ladies that's what my older brothers said. My mom was royal she was going to marry Uchiha Fugaku. My mom did date him in high school but he cheated on her too many times with Uchiha Mikoto my mom's best friend. My mother forgave them Fugaku did want my mother back she declined. He cheated on her too many times. Soon my mother me met my father on a mission they started dating. Women wanted to date my father he had one light blue eye and one brown. Red hair on the top and pink on the bottom. My mother had eyes like me and blone hair. Nine months later my mother became with Sasori-" Itachi interrupts her

Itachi: "Haruno Sasori." Said questioning

Pink haired girl: "Yeah that is my oldest brother." Said yelling with excitement

Itachi:"That's why you look like him. I'm guessing Haruno Deidara your brother too."

Pink haired girl: "Yeah he my older brother. Now let me finish the story. My mother was pregnant with Sasori they travel for not one new they they were together. You see my grandparents on my farher's  side hated my mother's the Haruno clan for their intelligence. So my mother and father were enemies. My mother's mission was to kill my father. But they fell in love. When Sasori was born only my mom, dad and grandmother Chiyo knew. They had a nice life Sasori told me that. Few years passed my mother fell pregnant again Sasori was so happy he was 4 and getting a little brother. Soon Deidara was born. Sasori played with him everyday. My other grandmother Tsunade was looking for my mother. 4 more years my mother was pregnant with me and  my father fell ill they went to find Grandma Chiyo. My mom was 9 months pregnant. When they were almost there  my mother's water broke  my father told her to push 3 hours later I was born my father took out a blaket from his bag. They were at the front gates some people came they shot my father he died my mother was holding me she gave me to Sasori. She told them to run and protect me. Deidara cried and they had a group hug. My mother went to the flood and kissed my father on the lips. Sasori looked back blood flew everywhere. Those people killed my parnets. They came after me Sasori and Deidara run the inside to Suna the sand village. Chiyo took care of us our other grandmother Tsunade took us here when I was five only Sasori and I were born in the Suna. Deidara was born in Iwagakure they live there for a while. I lived in Konoha now with my brothers and Grandma my grandfathers not in the picture any more." Said with tears on her face. She wiped them off

Itachi: "Wow I didn't know it was that bad."

Pink haired girl:"We live happy lives."

Itachi:"By the way is your name Haruno Sakura.

Sakura:"Yeah how did you know."

Itachi: "Deidara always saying his little sister is cute as ever."

Sakura:"Was he right?"

Itachi:"No."said flatly

Sakura: "What you jerk."

Itachi: "Your beautiful and very attractive" said shyly

Sakura blushes alot her face was scarlet so was Itachi was too. Itachi gave a paper to Sakura. He got up and was walking away.

Sakura:"Wait what is your name!!" Said yelling

He looked back.

Itachi: "It's Itachi, Uchiha Itachi." Said with a smirk and started walking again

Sakura got up waving and jumping

Sakura: "Bye Uchiha-kun, goodnight thank you."

Itachi: " Your welcome, same to you my gorgeous cherry blossom see you soon. And call me Itachi."

Still jumping and waving to Itachi. Inside Itachi's heart was beating so much just looking at her.

Sakura: "See you you soon Itachi-kun



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