Chapter 5

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( a/n Sorry for  for being late and for my spelling. I was in a rush and putting so much information in the last chapter I will end the confusion in this chapter)

Deidara,Sasori and Tobi opened the door and left. Itachi went to the door to close it and lock it Itachi was leaning on the door.

Itachi:"What the hell just happened".

Itachi went to the porch for smoke

Itachi:"Sakura I hope you are safe." Itachi got his cigarette and lit it.

Time skip
Itachi makes him some steak and rice.
He sat down at his table at his meal quitely like alway.

Itachi inner self*:"This house is so quite. I miss Sakura sweet voice." Said sadly

Itachi: "Who are you?"

Itachi inner self*:"Your inner self of course!"

Itachi:"Where did you come from?!"

Itachi inner self*:"Being with Sakura for so long you got emotions. So I was  born."

Itachi:" What do you mean because of Sakura?"

Itachi inner self*:"Well because you fell in love with her!"

Itachi:"I don't understand what you are getting at."

Itachi inner self*:"You are me and I'm you. Mind, soul and heart."

Itachi:" This is because of Sakura?" Said sadly

Itachi inner self*:"You miss her don't    you?"

Itachi:" Yeah I do. Now she is gone because I did something I wish I didn't."

Itachi inner self*:"She was broken at that point we cheated on her more than once. Maybe 20 or more maybe 30 times."

Itachi:" I know, and she hates me Everyone hates me soon Naruto will find out and I will be excuted."

Itachi inner self*:"She is like his older sister."

Itachi went to bed it still had the red and black blackets and sheets Sakura picked.Itachi went to sleep.

Itachi dream.......
Itach saw a young teen pink haired girl crying on the stoned floor. He happened to be having a walk and her crying annoy him alot. He walk up to her and tealed down to yell in her face.

Itachi:" Stop crying cry to your boyfriend or something. Because your crying little voice is anoyying. I bet South America can hear it." Said while laughing

Sakura: "Shut the f#$k up. Just leave me alone." She said looking down to the hard floor.

Itachi: " Did your boyfriend dump you or something?"said still laughing

Sakur: "No close he cheated on me twice with the girl who bullies me for my hair color and that I parnets were killed. She beats me too." Shows Itachi a buise and som cuts on the back of her neck.


(A/N sorry I haven't been udating I been busy I still have to you 4 more chapters because I was busy I try I really will sorry if you get confuse I will clear it up for you guys)





Hope you enjoy😀😀😁😁

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