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BTW its better when you listen to the song,ok enjoy!

3rd Person POV

It was a cool summer night in beautiful New York City.In a alleyway(Just reminded me of 'The Ally Way' from Austin and Ally XD)there lied a casket with a baby turtle no older than 1.The baby started to cry when it was awoken by a rat jumping of a trashcan causing noise.Passing by were the Purple Dragon's"Hey what's that?"asked Hun,he walked over the the side of the trash can and spotted the baby crying."Hey,look,its one of them turtles,but smaller."said Hun as he picked the basket up.

The baby cried louder as Hun took it out,she kicked,squirmed and stretched for help but it was no use."Ha,it can't even fight back,stupid little-"Hun was interrupted when a blade flew past his face."Put it down!"Leo yelled and they looked up to see the four with white eyes."Or what?"he asked at he poked the baby making her whale with tears"You don't wanna know"said Raph as he stood up and took out his Sia's.They then jumped down and began the battle while Mikey grabbed the infant,she dug herself into his plastron while still crying.

He stopped at a rooftop and put her down on a air-conditioner "H-Hey don't cry Mikey's here to cheer you up!"he said as he grabbed her and threw her in the air,she then began to let out laughter and Mikey stopped."Aww,you so cute what should I call you.."he asked trailing off and the baby began to crawl into a nearby bed of lily's."Hmm,AH,HA!That's what I'ma call you Lilly!"he said and she giggled as he picked her up she then tried to grab his mask.

5 Minutes Later

"Where are those dudes?"Mikey asked himself as Lilly pulled the ends of his mask."Were right her doffes"Mikey turned around and saw the three"What took you so long I mean it was only the Purple Dragon's?"he asked"Well we would have been here sooner if we know where you were"Leo retorted."Well anyways what are we gonna do with Lilly?"Mikey asked"Lilly?"Raph then asked"Ya,she was crawling into that bed of Lily's so I thought 'why not'?"he said as he stood as he walked towards the others."What do you think Donnie?"Leo asked as he took Lilly from Mikey"

Well I think the Krang must have mutated her either from a turtle like us or a human"he concluded."Well we can't just leave her here she could die without food,shelter or proper hygiene" Donnie pointed out"But Mikey's fine?"Raph snickered"Hey!OH,can we keep her please?!"Mikey pleated"I-I don't know Mikey,what will Master Splinter say?"he said to the orange masked turtle."PLEASE?!"He said louder and the baby began to giggle,Leo looked down and saw Lilly chewing on the fabric of his mask and he smiled"Ok,we can take her back to the lair."Leo said giving in"BOOYAKASHA!!"Mikey yelled in victory.The turtles then retreated to the sewers with Lilly.

Hope you liked it,gotta go Mikey and I are going skateboarding,later dudes!!

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