Crazy Mutation Day

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P.S:Lilly is turning 7 years old and has started training and before I continue this all took place 8 episodes after the they meet Casey and from the best chapter put on the music,ENJOY!

Lilly's POV

I woke up to hear banging on my room door I rubbed my eyes and my brother's busted in making me jump."HAPPY MUTATION DAY,LILLY!!"they yelled,and my eyes widened,It's my birthday!I smiled wide and jumped out my bed today I would get my mask and weapon.I ran to my brothers and hugged them."Come on Lil,Sensei is ready!"Leo said and I nodded I put on my knee pads,elbow pads,fingerless gloves and belt.I then ran out my room and saw April"Hey Lil,I got you something for your Mutation day!"she said held out a box.

"Thanks April"I said taking it and I opened it.Inside was a blue fox plush with two black eyes with eyelashes,I smiled wide and took her outta the box,hugged her then ran to April hugging her"Thankyou april!"She smiled and patted my head,Donnie walked in the room"Hey April!!""Hey Donnie"she said"Lil,you ready?"Donnie asked I smiled and put the plush down in the box then followed April and Donnie into the Dogo where Mikey,Raph,Leo and Master Splinter were kneeled down.

April and Donnie joined the guys while I,sat in front of Splinter"Lilly Hamato,are you ready for the reasonability of being a Kunoichi?"He asked."Yes Master Splinter"I said,he then reached behind his back to pull out a turquoise mask with the ends braded and a pair of Tofea Blades,he stood up and put on my mask then handed me the Tofea's,I was already training with them so I knew how to fight with them."Lilly,I am proud to dub you a Kunoichi of the Hamato Clan"

He said proudly I bowed my head in respect and was lifted into the air by my brother's"BOOYAKASHA!!"I yelled raising my fist in the air.Then we heard,a loud crash from the living room,my brothers put me down and we went into full ninja mode and made our way outta the Dogo.I saw some ninjas in black uniforms"Foot bots"Leo whispered"Ok guys,silent takedowns"he said but I felt something grab my leg I turned to see on of the robots,I screamed and tried to kick it off but he pulled me down.

The robots arm was then cut off and I looked up to see Leo"You ok?"he asked and I nodded.We looked into the living room to see the foot bots running full speed at us"What are these things Leo?!"I asked taking out my Tofea blades and attacking a bot"There robots,like Shredders henchman!"he yells back stabbing one.I see one sneak up behind Mikey"MIKEY!"I yell pointing he turns around and begins sparing with the robot.

I front kick one then side kick him sending him flying to the water.Another one appears and I do The Death Dragon which Mikey taught me and then kick flip him."More are coming April yelled holding her head then as if on cue more appeared.I pant and then I'm put in a chock hold with one of the ninja's I grab my Tofea and stab him in the stomach.Then more come and pin me to the ground they began to pile on me and one held a blade against my neck.

I scream"NO!"then they all flew off I felt energy burst through me and felt myself float off the ground.My head hurt and I held it yelling from the pain,I began to cry"Make It stop,MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!"I yell crying I open my eyes and look into the water,my eyes were glowing white.I was terrified and in pain"LILLY,YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!"Donnie yelled,I assumed that I destroyed all the bots I was hyperventilating"Lilly,please calm down!"Leo yelled and my breathing slowed but my head still hurt I screamed as my body aches.I finally couldn't bear the pain anymore and fell to the floor my vision swam and my family ran over to me"Lilly"I heard but it sounded as if I was underwater,then I blacked out.

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