bath time

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Reader comes home from work in a bad mood


A slither of light slipped through the blinds of their shared bedroom, crossing over her eyes making the strong white light wake her up with a groan. (Y/N) rolled over to where Heath would normally be only to find a cold and empty space next to her, quickly sitting up she looked around as the white sheets fell to her abdomen, her eyes catching the lit up green dots in the shape of 10:36AM. Just as quickly as she sat up (Y/N) threw the blankets to the side of her before she ran into the bathroom to apply her makeup.

Deciding to only do her brows and ad some lip balm she quickly opened her closet and picked out a random pair of heals, a pencil skirt and a blouse after brushing her teeth. Seeing as no one was in the house to help her remember everything she grabbed everything she could think of before closing the locked door, only to realise that she had left the house keys and the car keys on the table.

Checking she had her phone in her bag, which she did, she called an uber and to her luck was only a few minutes away.

---- Time Skip ----

The house was silent when she arrived home, her hair messy and a stern expression planted on her face. Dumping her bag on the ground she walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water only to find that there was no cold water in the fridge, nothing seemed to be going well today.

"Heath" She shouted out.

"Hmmm?" Came the sound from their room.

The sound of padded feet moved down the hallway, her shoulders slumped back and smile turned into a frown, opening the closed door (Y/N) saw Heath lying on the bed listening to music, one ear phone out while the other was in making sure he could hear if someone were to call him.

"Hey babe" He said as she fell face first onto the bed, letting out a sigh.

"Hey" She said, her voice muffled by the pillow in her face.

Noticing her sour mood, Heath rolled himself onto his side before resting the rest of his body on his elbow.

"What's going on baby girl"

"Had....bad day... work" She said, most of her words coming out as mumbles.

"What's that" He said.

Doing the same as Heath did moments before, she turned on her side bring the white sheets into her clenched hands.

"I had a really bad day at work"

"Do you wanna talk about?" Heath asked as he moved a piece of hair out her face.

"Not really, I just want to relax for the rest of the day"

"Well Elton's not gonna be home tonight so I could run a bath, maybe some pizza while watching your favourite movie and then we could do something else a bit later...." He suggest, the 'something' mentioned with the action of wiggling his eyebrows, meaning the obvious act of sex.

Giggling she moved her body closer to his, whispering in his ear "That would be lovely"

Jumping up Heath walked into the bathroom before grabbing a lighter and some scented candles that they had brought together the other day, soon the faucets had been turned and water was rushing out and into the bathtub.

After the bathtub was filled with warm water (Y/N) walked into the room, stripping down into her bra and underwear before she called Heath back into the bathroom, once she did (Y/N) proceeded to step into the bath nude before slowly sinking down just as Heath walked in.

"Yeah baby?"

"Do you think you could join me"

Heath was shocked as she said this, a light crimson shade rising up to his cheeks as he stuttered out a yes before stripping like (Y/N) did, throwing his clothes down into the corner of the room. Heath managed to slip behind (Y/N) allowing her to rest her head on the crook of his shoulder, a comfortable silence settling over them as she did so.

"Hey Heath, baby"


"We could do that 'something' you wanted to do later?"

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