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Reader is on tour for her new album 


She walks out into the room where she see's a young woman, who is here to interview her about the album, her life and any upcoming projects. The walls are painted a light grey and the chair she sits on his comfortable as the crew get ready to film, the interview introduces herself as does (Y/N) before it starts.

"Who inspires you most?"

"Well I'd have to say my fans, they're constantly supporting me and I've read some of their stories and that helps out a lot to" She said in a calm voice with a tad of excitement.

"Next question, how does Heath, your boyfriend, cope with the tours?"

A large smile was brought upon her face at the mention of her boyfriends name, "Heath is actually pretty good with the tours, we usually skype every couple nights and if we're not skyping we'll be texting but sometimes I fly him out to where ever I am"

The interviewer nods with a smile on his before asking a few more questions before the interview can come to an end, (Y/N) then stands up and proceeds to thank the interviewer before saying goodbye to the crew as her assistant, Chris, takes her to her dressing room to get ready for her performance.

Instead of having someone do her own makeup she does it by herself, beige streaks of power setting on top of her eyelids after applying a pale pink lipstick that she wore in the interview. It's been about five minutes now and she's picking an outfit for her show, opting for a crop top and a pair of booty shorts.

The vocal warmups are now over and she's being taken to the stage where she can here the fans screaming her name, waiting for her presence on stage. Her manager counts her down before she runs on stage and when she does the world falls into slow motion.

A bead of sweat drips down her forehead as she jumps around the stage singing the lyrics to her newest single as her fans do the same, looking into the crowd once again she spots a familiar face in the strange crowd.


She stops moving only to start again with a larger smile as the song comes to a close, before the beginning of a new one plays,

"This song was written for a very special person!"

----TIME SKIP----

"-Thank you for everyone who came out to see me tonight!"

Smoke covered with the stage and soon (Y/N) wasn't on stage anymore, the voices of her fans drowned out my people rushing around. Her mind was not focused on Heath, was he really in the crowd? or was that just her imagination?

She could see his face perfectly in the mix of the fans that brought tickets to the event, but she was sure it was him how could it have not been? deciding how to get to the bottom of this 'mystery' she calls him.

.... .... ....

"Hey baby girl"

"Hey Heath" She says, dragging his name out slightly.

"What's up?"

"Not much I just wanted to check in with my favourite person, what are you doing right now?"

"Well I'm just walking around, ya know... I miss you"

"I miss you more" She giggled.

"Well thats good-" The door to her dressing room opens and she turns around "-because I'm here now" Heath says before hanging up on the call.

"Oh my God" She screams while running towards him, pulling him into a death gripping hug that puts a smile on his face.

"I've missed you too baby"


Thank you guys so much for supporting me and reading this book it really means a lot, I've taken sometime of my marvel imagines blog to write this book so I probably won't update for a few more days but for the next few months I'll be writing like crazy because, HOLIDAYS!

- Erin, xxx

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