remember me - p1

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The reader gets amnesia 


The sound of beeping beside her head brought her eyes to open hazily to see white surrounding her, her eyes still adjusting to light. She released a grown as she tired to stretch her legs which she managed to do even though she still felt the tight pressure around it.

Am I dead? Where am I?

Then suddenly from the silence came to sound of foot steps and hurried voices coming towards where she was laying, frail and cold. She could feel the presence of someone on her left and someone on her right,  before she opened her eyes, trying to sit up straight to analyse her surroundings, but the change in brightness that her eyes consumed make it blurry for a few seconds.

"Calm down" One of the figures says before she feels a small pressure on her chest as she is lowered down onto the bed, her head laying on the white pillow.

Her eyes suddenly adjusted to the amount of light that she is receiving and allowing her to she where she is and who she's with, but when she looks at the faces of the people surrounding her confusion seeps into her facial features.

"W-where am I?" She croaks out.

"Miss (Y/L/N) you're in a hospital, you were in an accident" The man on her left says, easing his glasses down his nose to look at her before returning to the pad and pen in his hands.

"Baby are you ok?" A man steps forward, with a black snapback and maroon t-shirt says, in a concerning tone.

"Wh-who are you?" She whispered loud enough for the two men to hear.

As soon as she says this confusion washes over his facial features and tears brim at the edges of his eyes, filled with sadness, the doctor one the other hand looks at the young man with sympathy before writing down another note.

"Mr Hussar, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room for a while, we're going to run some tests on her for any brain damage or anything else that could cause something like this to happen

Heath looks down before nodding as a pair of nurses walk into the room to close the blinds, setting up more equipment for the test, before ushering Heath out of the room while (Y/N) watched in confusion.


"Yes Miss (Y/L/N)"

"Who was that man?" (Y/N) said, silencing settling over the room.

"That was your boyfriend"


You could kinda say that this is a part two of 'Drive' If you want, but its not really - part two should come out either tomorrow or the day after, oh and I have a Christmas imagine ready to post so that'll come out today or tomorrow, don't forget requests are open.

- Erin, xxx

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