Chapter 1:

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Everyday is just the same. I get hated on, I get teased, I get judged, I get punched, I get bullied,

I get hurt.

Everything is just the same and for no reason it won't change even though I tried. And so, I gave up trying and let go of all of my hopes and dreams that has been with me since when I was still young. I never really liked the company of my parents. They treat me like garbage and crap. I don't know why they do those things to me. I don't even know if I did something wrong to them.

School came back and I was on another school. I never liked school. I'm not the type of person who likes to wake up early in the morning and get ready for school and learn things in school with full of joy and happiness and gladness within. I was the opposite of that. I was the lazy type of girl. I don't do my homework and projects that's why I get sent back to the same grade school.

I walked my way to school, looking down on the wet, hard ground. It was raining so I had to bring an umbrella. I didn't mind getting bump into another person. I just kept on walking and walking in silence. Rainy days are the days I am only myself and a little happy. I just enjoyed the sounds of rain drops outside and some sad music with a side of hot chocolate. I like those scenes. I sighed just by thinking of the thought that those things would never happen to me.

I arrived at the school I was suppose to be in and walked inside. As I stepped inside, students looked at me. I ignored them and walked towards my locker after I closed my umbrella. Won't they stop staring at me? It's annoying. I tried to avoiding making eye contact with them. I don't like staring at random people, I just don't like it.

I got to my locker and put all of my things in it except for the things I need for the 1st period. I closed my locker and locked it. Once I turned to make my way to the teacher's office, I was greeted with a girl. She was the nerdy type. She had braces, curly hair, glasses, and freckles. I have never seen a nerd like her. She was also bringing her books and a smile was pasted on her face as she greeted me.

"Hello! You are new here, right?"

"U-uum, y-yes." I stuttered.

"Well, I'm Chantice."

She pull out her hand once she put her books to her other arm. I looked at her hand then hesitate to shake it. Not long, I finally shook hands with her. I took my hand back quickly and placed it on my pocket. She giggled.

"I see that you are a very shy one." she paused for awhile before she continued. "But don't be around me. I'm your new friend from now on."

She then threw one of her arm over my shoulder as she looked at me with an excited smile. I flinched at her sudden actions and swiftly got out of her intercaction and just stand there silently and ackwardly. No one knows that I have Anthropophobia (fear of people or society), Chiraptophobia (fear of being touched), Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia (fear of being locked in an enclosed place), Eremophobia (fear of being oneself or of loneliness), Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), Gerascophobia (fear of growing old), Mnemophobia (fear of memories), Ophthalmophobia (fear of being stared at), Ochlophobia (fear of crowds and mobs), Necrophobia (fear of death or dead things), Myctophobia (fear of darkness), Hysiphobia (fear of heights). I don't know how do I handle these many phobias but I'll just try to ignore it. Maybe that will work.

I started to get nervous as I stand still while looking down at the ground. I apologized.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I-" she cut me off.

"Chiraptophobia, right?"

I look up at her with complete shock. I asked.

"H-how did you..."

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