Chapter 3

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Not everyone deserves a second chance

I was walking down the hallway alone, since Chantice is absent because of family reasons. I have no one else to talk to because I'm not that social to people. I sighed as I heard students whispering about me as I walk passed them. When will they stop doing those things? By the time I die? For God's sake, I hope they were the one who'll die.

As I was walking, I felt someone following me. It was somewhat familiar. But, I didn't mind it and just kept walking. Ok, I can still feel them tailing me. When will you leave?! I sighed and took a glance who is behind me. My eyes widened in surprise as I saw the three girls smirking at me. No way, don't tell me that...

I ran towards the rooftop, they are still following me. I stopped once I could see no way out except, nonononono! I'm not doing that! They pulled my hair back as one of them spoke.

"Trying to get away from us now are ya? Well, too bad!! You can't!"

They all smirked and the bell rang. They all chuckled as they pull me by my hair. I don't know where are they taking me but can't they just pull me by my arm or something?! It's f*cking painful!

They went inside a room in the basement where I'm guessing no one knows. They pushed me to the ground and they tied my up. My arms and my legs. They blindfolded me aswell. I screamed at them.


One of them kicked me in the stomach which caused me to winced at the pain. She ordered.

"Shut up will you?!"

I couldn't respond to them as I try to hide the pain away. They pushed me to the ground with their foot and started to kick me all over, again and again.

"What we want is," they continue to kick me as she spoke" stay away from J-hope. He is mine and he will always be so stay away from him! No one will get between our love for each other! So I'm warning you!"

One of them got a knife out and stab me at my waist. I screamed out loud from the pain they brought to me. She took out the knife off then rolled my to my back then made scars all over my body as I continue to scream. This is too much!! But even though my tears roll down my cheeks and I started to drool blood, they still wouldn't stop. Why would they do this to me?!

But not for long, they stop. The two walk away from me as the other one get my hand and placed it in front of her. But, she also made a cut in my wrist. I screamed louder than before. Blood gushing out of my wrist and body as they all got satisfied at their work. Their masterpiece. A masterpiece of a dying person.

They all laughed then one of them said.

"Goodluck! In dying! No one would be able to save you here because no one knows where this place is! So, goodbye! I hope you'll die soon!"

They all laughed as they exited this place. So, this is how I am going to die huh? Well, at least no one would know. Chantice, I guess this is my goodbye. I don't know how am I suppose to tell a goodbye while I'm here, dying but just know that I'm gonna always be there for you. So stay strong and be happy, without me.

Blood continue to rush out off my body as I tried to catch my breath, trying to stay alive. Oh God, I don't think that I would be able to live for long in a situation like this. What am I suppose to do now? Die? Since I don't really know much people so might aswell die. But I'm getting worried about Chantice. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker every second. In worried what is she going to do without... I couldn't stay concious for long so I lost it. Me...

/J-hope's pov\

Where is Y/n? I haven't seen her last break time. I asked the three girls who have a red stain on their clothes.

"Hello, have you seen Y/n?"

They all shook their head and J-hope thank them anyways. But, little did J-hope know that they were the cause of the disappearance of Y/n. They smirked at each other as they pass by J-hope, who was too busy to noticed that they did.

Oh God, most of them haven't seen her either (because most of them doesn't know her). Y/n, I hope that you are ok. I really hope so.

I continued to look for her all over the school which resulted to her not being found anywhere. Maybe she already went home? But, but it's still early for her to go home.

Not for long, I saw her bestfriend, Chantice. I rush towards her and grab her shoulders, asking.

"Is Y/n in her house when you passed by it?"

Yes, Chantice and Y/n are neighbors. Chantice became worried as she shook her head as she respond.

"No, isn't she here?"

I let go of Chantice's shoulders as I comb my hair backwards as I also replied with a no. Both of us got worried and started to team up but I told her that I already searched and asked the whole school and the people in it. So, we decided to put posters all over the city of Y/n being missing. The day ended with us being worried over Y/n.

The next day, Chantice reported to me that Y/n didn't come home yesterday which made the situation a lot more worst. Oh God, Y/n where are you?! I started to panic. Class continues and so does the day. No one even saw Y/n this day. No one noticed her coming to school today even the teachers didn't.

Time skip---

4 days. 4 days that Y/n had been missing and no one even found her yet. The last 4 days, I have been crying myself to sleep, worried about Y/n and where she is. Y/n has to be somewhere but where?! So, we decided to tell the cops to investigate the school.

After an hour or 2, the police reported.

"Sir, we have found her."

To be continued.........

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