Letters Between Houses - 01 ~ Ephydatia ~

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 Ravenclaw Common Room,


Mrs Anophelia Miratio,

My name is Ephydatia Tefeltast and I am a concerned 3rd year student of this school. I am writing to express my feelings & my not so good opinion for your peculiar way of sharing your certain points of view with the rest of us.

Writing on walls is apparently the best way you could think of doing such thing! Well... with all the respect on your opinions and creativity, as a Hogwarts student, I would like to object in this kind of vandalism on the school's property, I plead with you to reconsider your ways and give a thought in the great history of these magical walls, which are ,heavy with wisdom & dust. Do not belittle in such way the hard work of our great & respectable founders! And for Merlin's beard do not underestimate yourself with this unfathomable action.

But the truth is that this is not only an angry letter! My curiosity led me to leave this letter under the painted walls of the third floor for you. For the past few days, the meaning behind your phrase has been eating away my mind! As a Ravenclaw student I cannot find peace until solve this meaningful riddle, or understand the thought behind it! "The owls are not what they seem"?

Whom did you make those references to? What do you mean by that? Is it possible to find this world of ours such a deceiving place? Or the magical community fake & deceptive? It is possible that this phrase of yours was not a metaphorical one and you have second thoughts about the Owlery?

I hope my letter reaches you & to receive a response to all of my questions, but mostly I wish that you'd stop behaving with such mockery to these walls of such a beauty and history.


Ephydatia Tepheltast

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