Letters Between Houses - 02 ~ Anophelia ~

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Within reach of the Whooping Willow's branches,

School Grounds,


Mrs Ephydatia Tefeltast,

I am very pleased to make you acquaintance! And this has been such an intriguing hate mail! Mostly because it is not simply a hate mail, I suppose. I'm quite surprised that you introduced yourself straightaway. Quite like a Ravenclaw to be so forward, even though you don't know the first thing about me.

Allow me to make clear, that I don't trust what you're saying particularly much. This could be the brilliant approach of a professor trying to "snake me out" of my hiding place. But let's say that I do trust you. I shall address a part of your concerns, but you'll have to answer a few questions for me to get the rest of the answers you're seeking. You piqued my interest. Is Ephydatia your real name? Or an penname, just like mine?

You are correct though. Writing on walls is quite scandalous in my opinion as well! The most perfect way to make people focus on the what and think less of the who! Besides, there is this thing that happens in a person's mind as soon as they pass by a writing on a wall. They read it inside their head. It's involuntary, but it does happen. Every time they walk by it, before thinking, they read the phrase over again. There's a kind of magic in it, isn't there? Be honest, it probably happens to you as well.

Let me put your mind at ease regarding the vandalism. You may have noticed the orange tint on the paint of my writings. It has been too soon to realize it, but the paint consists mostly of hyacinths' pollen! It's a nasty little bugger to get out of the stone at first, thus giving Mr. Crubbs, our dear caretaker, such trouble, but given time it will fade without leaving a trace. I would never be so arrogant to wish to write something permanently on the walls of our school! (Although I'd appreciate it if you kept this detail to yourself for now.)

I understand your struggle with the meaning of my words, but you wouldn't expect that I will actually answer that, would you? If I were to give an explanation to anyone who asked for one, I might as well write it on the wall. I might reconsider, if you write back to me again, but I can make no promises.

Until you find more of my writing on the walls,

The Unrepenting Anophelia Miratio

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