Letters Between Houses - 05 ~ Ephydatia

23 3 2

Spellcasting Section,

The Library,


Dear Anophelia,

I would never try to harm somebody and even if I would, an unimaginative letter and a boring little curse is not the way to do it!

I first discovered this weird little phrase in my grandma's mailbox, a few summers before. It was tucked inside a strange, little book with no cover and a lot of pages ripped from the core. I was intrigued and was compelled to read it. So I cast a couple of protective spells and keeping my fingers crossed and my curiosity by my side, I opened it. Inside it were some wishes. They were short phrases, which rhymed and according to the author (a guy by the name Inigo Crane) protected you from taunts. They helped you refrain from physical retaliation and gave you the strength to remain calm and good-natured! The complete charm goes like this:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But words will never hurt me."

I hope now you have the knowledge to use this wisely!

Well, I took your recommendation for the stroll pretty seriously and I have to say the fluffy, furry, little robins were so cute, that I hardly could contain myself from going outside and trying to catch them. (I used to do that with butterflies, but it might be slightly more difficult with birds...?)

I was searching for your phrase between the two classrooms, when I saw a bunch of kids in their Quidditch uniforms arguing about something. According to Kate Longbottom, a friend of mine who is beater for the Hufflepuff team, the Slytherin team had sabotaged their team, releasing a respectable amount of Cornish Pixies while they were practicing! Of course the Slytherin team's response was that if the Hufflepuffs could not handle a bunch of fairies, it would be best for them to abstain from tomorrow's game for their own sake!

The situation escalated quickly, when some Gryffindors came out from the History of Magic classroom and they started fighting with the Slytherins. Spells and curses, curses and hexes were sent flying in every direction. On the spur of the moment me and Kate used a freezing charm in order to stop them and I left in a hurry to go fetch a professor to put an end to this mess. Fortunately, I fell upon to Prof. Erb and we ran to prevent this horrible situation. Unfortunately for me, he send me to the Infirmary to help Madam Pomfrey with the injured.

So, forgive me, but I didn't have the time to find your phrase on the wall. I tried to excuse myself from helping with chores all day and sneak out from the Infirmary, but you know Madam Pomfrey...

At 11 p.m. I was finally free, so I tried going back then. I am not sure how many hours the ink lasts, but before I reached the first floor, stupid Braden Wood stopped me to ask me what happened (he is keeper for the Gryffindor team and he was pretty upset once the news reached his ears). I answered with a question in order to puzzle him some more and I fled to the first floor. I arrived just the moment bloody Crubbs and miss Norris had cleaned it up completely. So I left before they saw me there.

That's the reason why I charmed the letter to follow the scent of hyacinths' pollen (don't ask me how, it took me a good amount of time and all the possible spellbooks in the library to convert my letter into a bloody hound...) and therefore, I didn't leave it under your writings!

I hope my letter reaches you!

Sticks and stones, my friend,


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