Letters Between Houses - 04 ~ Anophelia

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Beneath the Black lake,


Dear Ephydatia,

That was not quite how I imagined you would answer to me, but you're giving me the feeling you're not a professor after all. All these days, I've been thinking about the students I've known and who might be called Ephydatia. I have to admit, I've never noticed you! But I will get to the bottom of this, or my name shan't be Anophelia Miratio no more! (I really do hope you're not Professor Flitwick, that would be terribly anticlimactic...)

As for participating... Yes, of course! A partner in crime would be lovely! But... I'm afraid I'll have to grill you for a while longer. This should be a relationship based on trust after all and you must understand I am not quite there yet. For the time being, take a stroll around the first floor, stop by the windows and look outside. The robins love nestling there and they're quite lovely little things, wouldn't you say? The Tapestry Corridor's side is the best for this. And while you're at it, take a look at the walls between the Muggle Studies and History of Magic Classrooms. There' will be a quote devoted to you there by the time you get this letter.

Have you ever noticed how enchanting things exist outside the charmed walls of the castle? I was observing an infestation of Carnivorous 'Shrooms eating away a broom forgotten outside Hagrid's hut a couple of days before. The time it took them to reduce it to mere sawdust... that was magic. Although I do suppose Hagrid's gonna need a new broom soon.I hope he figures it out before the 'Shrooms eat up his whole hut; it is also made of wood after all. Or maybe they won't. They do prefer meat after all. I snuck some ham and prosciutto out of the Great Hall today and fed it to them. They prefer prosciutto. Snobbish little fungi.

I should probably go now. I'm getting the feeling the Giant Squid is growing tired of my presence here.



PS: What's with sticks and stones? That doesn't sound very friendly. Besides, there are more effective ways to injure someone. I bet your Slytherin friend would know a thing or two about that.

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