Letters Between Houses - 06 ~ Anophelia

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Professor Erb's Office,



Dear Ephydatia,

I finally discovered your letter, after a peculiar series of coincidences. It might please you to know that, yes, your hound of a letter did find an immense amount of hyacinths pollen, though it is beyond me why you'd think I'd have such quantities of it in my possession! It didn't reach me directly; instead, I found the envelope wedged between some clay pots in Glasshouse 4 during Herbology with Professor Sprout. It was a rather unordinary place to find a letter, so my curiosity got the best of me and I pulled it out. Imagine my surprise, when I realized that I was the actual recipient! Although if you had simply left it beneath the wall where my message was written, I'd have found it much sooner, even if the phrase had been erased by Mr. Crubbs!

You cannot fathom how outraged I was, that Crubbs figured out how to clean my writings so swiftly. I need to find a different component to make it resistant, or cast a protective spell over it instead...? It certainly needs some thinking. But I shan't let this pass! Hardly anyone read what I wrote this time!

The little rhyme was interesting and I had never heard it before! It still gives me a bit of a hostile vibe, but, oh well, whatever pleases you. I will look up this Inigo Crane person in case there's more of his work in the library! He sounds like a rather intriguing fellow! He might have something I could quote in the future on a wall!

Ah, were you there when that fight broke out...? I'm surprised you were - I mean... from what I heard there were no Ravenclaws present. But maybe my sources simply weren't observant enough. Not that I was there, I was nowhere near the scene of course...

In my opinion, the whole affair went south and it all happened very unjustly. Sure, Erb had an obligation as a professor to break out the fight, but he didn't have to imply his House was right! Being the Head of Slytherin or not, the Slytherins did unleash those Pixies and they deserved a punch or two for it! At least that snobbish creature, Adelaide Zabini got what she deserved for sure! (I was told that she was hit by a tongue-lengthening spell and she walked to the infirmary with it wrapped around her neck like a scarf; it must have been hilarious!) She's a silly hen, who knows nothing about Quidditch and she opened her big mouth to criticize the Hufflepuff team's technique! What a nerve!

I've never helped out in the infirmary, it sounds pretty boring... Besides, I wonder how you held back from accidentally soaking a Slytherin or two in steaming hot soup. For me... the temptation would be irresistible.

Now, don't take this wrong, but... Branden Wood started a conversation with you and you puzzled him and fled? He's the dreamiest guy in your year, why would you do that? Pity, real pity... (I'm shaking my head in disapproval right now, just so you know).

Since it's been about a week since you wrote this letter, shall I share some news with you instead? I heard McGonagall's absence this week wasn't for administrative reasons, as they claimed, but that she is getting herself involved in something dark. I find dark a little farfetched - it's McGonagall we're talking about after all - but something wicked this way comes, I can feel it. The squid is getting restless lately and the squid senses things the rest of us don't, so I am guessing this could be it.

Also, there's some rumours going round that Professor Sprout is thinking about retirement as soon as she has found a replacement she deems worthy - and as long as McGonagall also approves of this replacement. I hope it's somebody nice, because I like Sprout, she's cute and easy-going and she's not too harsh when carnivorous plants slip off my counter and slither out of the glasshouses from cracks on the walls. Not that it happens too often, but, you know...

The last news I heard were about Teddy Lupin. He's an oddball, not a very hufflepuffish Hufflepuff. He nearly caused the Astronomy Tower to collapse, although I have no idea what he was actually trying to do. He'll be charting stars for Professor Sinistra for a month to repay the trouble has caused from what I've heard, but still... Once Nearly-Headless Nicolas was chatting with another ghost and he was saying many professors will be relieved when Ted has graduated.

Ashes to ashes,


PS: I'm not implying anything by the "ashes" thing, I just thought it'd be fun to use something strange in the end of each letter. And I am somewhat grieving about a bat I accidentally squished yesterday. It was nesting in the corner of my window and I was trying to shoo it away, but that didn't work out very well. I gave it a proper funeral near the lake and I hope its eternal soul doesn't come to haunt my window until I graduate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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